Thursday, September 14, 2017

what the fuck is wrong with wonen today .............

I am not sure what the fuck is  wrong with women today .......but holy fucking crap ........ what sort of  mental case is  this  bitch ......

here is a  simple  rule ....... for  simple  minded  bitch .......if you cannot handle a  child   ....keep your  fucking legs  closed you whore .....simple .....

it  simply  boils  down to as i have  always  said  ...........most women  do not  even love  themselves ........ and  go ahead and shit out  kids ......knowing they cannot love them........ or  pretend they  do  ......

simple life  dynamics ......... how  can you love   anything ........if you hate  yourself.........  known fact   most women have  low  self  esteem  problems  ........if they didn't ....... then  why  is the porn industry ........a  trillion dollar  global  business .....

most people  have  kids  to  fill an empty  void in themselves ......... they cannot love  themselves ......... so  they need   something else  to love ......but they   cannot .........f  they are  filled   with low  self  esteem .....

today's  women are fucking nuts ......on the whole ....... there a re  a  lot of  intelligent women ....but when you see   Jerry springer ...... and  the real housewives ........ and reality  tv ...... these  people  are dying for  attention.....what about me !!!!!

this woman here is  despicable ....... ,i mean......  you know the rules ......if you  get knocked  up  .......its  because you  did not  keep your legs  closed ........ dumbass .......

i hope she  gets life  for  this........ its  beyond belief ....and  trying to  flush it down the  shittier ......i have no words !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Fast-food worker charged with trying to kill baby in toilet

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — California prosecutors said Wednesday that a fast-food restaurant cashier gave birth to a baby girl while at work and then tried to kill her by flushing her down a toilet.
The San Mateo County district attorney said Sarah Lockner, 25, has been charged with attempted murder after the newborn survived.
Prosecutors say Lockner went to work the night of Sept. 4 at a Redwood City McDonald's complaining of stomach pains and visited the bathroom numerous times, raising concerns of co-workers.
A co-worker discovered a large amount of blood on the bathroom floor and peered over the stall to check on Lockner.
The co-worker told investigators she saw a baby face down in the toilet bowl and Lockner pushing on her back while flushing the toilet.
The co-worker called 911 and when paramedics and police arrived the baby was in Lockner's arms, but the newborn wasn't breathing and didn't have a pulse.
Police arrested Lockner and paramedics revived the baby, who district attorney Steve Wagstaffe said is in stable condition, but it's unknown whether the baby suffered brain damage.
Wagstaffe said Lockner told investigators that she didn't know she was pregnant.
Lockner remain in jail on $11 million bail and will be appointed a public defender on Sept. 18.
This story has been corrected to reflect that the baby is a girl.

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......