Friday, September 1, 2017

The whole country of  north Korea must be filled with some really dumb fucking dog eating ass wipes .....

I mean if you cant even feed your  fucking soldiers ......this little  fat fuck  must be eating all their  rations .....

where are all the  dogs then ........

how  stupid are north  korean people  to buy into his  shit  these  must be  third  world   idiots ......

maybe this  little fat fuck  should give some of  his  food  what sort of  mindless  soldier  would go  hungry  .......

these  are not the  smartest  cunts in the  Asian  continent ......they deserve  to die or   even  be nuked     there is nothing worse than a  country full of  dumb  cunts .......

and all they  have to nick is  corn .........fucking hell  whata  shite state  of  affairs .......corn ......not  much  you  can shit that  stuff out a week later  and its  still the  same  in your shite .........

i hope all the soldiers starve to death ...!!!!!!!!


Hungry North Korean soldiers 'ordered to steal corn because war is imminent'

 Nicola Smith,The Telegraph 18 hours ago 

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