Tuesday, July 18, 2017

your vote does not mean shit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

politics and money ...........  go  hand in hand  .....all the  hand wringing ...........and  deal making   does not  include you .........

republicans......... and  democrats ........ they all look  like the  are arch  rivals .......but they are  not !!!!!! ........for instance  Nancy pelossi .......is worth  approx  ...........  236 million dollars ........you think she  gives  flying fuck  about your pathetic liberal  ass ..........no ............ she is  Friends with the people  who have the  same  invested  deals as  her ..........

i get  such a laugh at the  idiots  who  Tell me............  they  voted  for their  so called  democrat......... or  republican   ......... governor or politician  .......they do not  give a  flying  fuck  about you!!!!!!!! ........

the  enlightened  ones  .......... are already doing  deals with the rich and  powerful .........Barack Obama  is    wealthy .........he is  in the  skulls   with GWB ..........

every mainstream ......... brainwashed  fool.........  who thinks  the govt  cares.........  is  in  a  delusional  bubble ........

this is  not about you........  its  about them.......... and their  mass of  wealth ..........you think  Barack and   GWB  are  not  friends ..............  money  is the  ties  that   bind  my friends   ........

millionaires and billionaires  ................ all play in the  same  field  .........the   average  Joe ........... who is working ...........and  grovelling .......... for a  paycheck .........and trying to get perfect credit ....its  a scam!!!! ...........  its  to make these  people  rich ..........

if you think your  IRS  is   doing  good..........  your  mental ........ its  privately  held  conglomerate ........

the  average  person who has a job ........ and a  mortgage .......... and  House .......... and  a car with payments......... and  paying insurance........  to companies ........ and   trying to get perfect  credit ........ your  just a fool  to the  rich .........

your  two kids.......  and your Nice   payments......... and  your  bills.........   only Serves one  thing ..........to make  the people that you make payments  to richer ........

you  work  .........and  pay tax  on your wages .................you  buy  gas ....... for your car ........ and  pay tax ........you go  grocery shopping .......... and  pay tax ........you pay tax  on your  mortgage .,.......you pay tax on your  power bill ......you pay tax on your cable bill .......you even pay tax when you buy clothes  from a thrift store .......which has  already been taxed ....!!!!go figure .......

tax on the kids  clothes  ......tax on your  beer.........  and  tax  on credit  ........ that you  are paying to a  person........  who is  taking interest ........and tax   on  ever decreasing possessions you own .........you even are taxed on your water bill .....which is a  human right you should have !!!!!!!

you buy a  car  on payments   every month ............  you  are   say  paying  400  a  month  for  your   car .........guess  what ..........your  car is  devaluing about the same  ...........so you  are  basically paying  800 month ..........plus  tax ........and you  miss  one  car  payment ........... and your credit  is  fucked ........

yep .....as soon as you buy a new ........... car  its  loses  about  3-5 thousand  dollars ....... as soon as you drive it off  the lot .........so!!!!!!  .....as soon as  you  have a  brand new  car.......... and  having  400  hundred  dollars a month  payments  !!!!!  plus  tax !!!!!!you  are already  5 thousand  dollars in debt ...before you drive it ........

so who is  the fucking retard ........try  selling that  car  the  next  day  ............you are   5 thousand  dollars  poorer ........

why would a  person buy that car you had.........  its  second hand ......does not matter..........  how you  do it  ..........he or she is not going to buy it from you........... if they can buy the exact same  car  brand new  ......the only way they will buy it  is cheaper  because its  used   simple  dynamics ..............

its  the greatest  scam   and  all those   rich people  have  portfolios  you  are  paying into .........

it  may look like they are all enemies ........ but rich people   flock  together  ......... its  money  .......its power.........  its  a  vested  same interest  the only person  that is   not  there .........is you  !!!!!!........

if you are a  paycheck parasite .......... you  have  no place  in these  peoples  lives...........   Democrats ....... republicans ............ they are all  friends ........... but the  rich  hang with the rich ..........and the poor  hang with the poor .......its a  simple  natural  law  of  existence .......

try this on for  size .............you and  your friends are having a dinner party .....and a stranger  just shows up .............you do not  know ......he is   as  welcome as  a pork chop at a jewish wedding ........

you see..........  you  do not  know him/her  you do not trust him.......... its  your  friends .......get it!!!!!....this is  how  it works on a  richer  scale           you don't let   just anyone  to  your  stupid  dinner  party ........its invite only ..........!!!!!!!!!

all the govt  buddies ........... all are  tied  by big money  ...........and  all they  care  about is you.......... pay your  taxes  .......that's it ........all your  chanting ......... and  demonstrating .......... is  a waste of  time .......... they are all in one  big bed  together .........and  as  shit rolls  down a  hill..........it    has  to stop somewhere  and  that's  at you!!!!!! ........

you work .........and  vote........... to keep these  people in power  ........you are  not smart  enough to  figure  It out  ............... all they want to do is ......... have you work........ and pay bills ............ and  give you the illusion of  freedom  with your  family .......

but  to keep your  so   called  family...........  you have to work............. and pay taxes...........  and keep a  job ........... and  an  image ..........  and  a family......  ......all in the name of   an  American  dream  ..............which you  bought 

yes!!!!...........its  nice to have the  mortgage ............. to the  house........... you  do not own .......you only own a  house ...........when you  get the deeds  to it ..........otherwise the bank owns it........... they are your  land lords .........

and your  flat screen .......... which you bought on  credit ............and the  car you make payments  on......... .......they love it .....they want you to do this .............  because  guess  what ............. you are paying taxes .......... to  a privately held  entity........  which  is  not  even  American owned .........

absolutely brilliant!!!!!!! .......so  all your  voting ........ and thinking you make a  difference  .......... you may  want to think  about  how you  are   not that important ............ your  just a pawn  .......... for the  tax  to pay the rich to play!!!!!!! .....

they all  wined and  dined   together  ....and appear  enemies .......but  just remember  ......

.............birds of  a feather  fly together !!!!!!.........


  Personally .......i am all for  inappropriate behavior on airlines .....i think .........i may have a  fetish for  airline stewardesses......