Saturday, July 1, 2017

white sushi chef!!!!!!!

what is wrong with this planet  ....wankers have become sensitive little  bitches these  day .....

you can't make a  joke ......... about anything  anymore......... and  attorneys ............ who are the  scourge of mankind .........   have created  problems ......

why have men in America  became so  emasculated ........ and  sensitive ......
i blame Oprah that feminst turd...... and  all these  mentally imbalanced  mothers .......who we all know if they  did not have a  vagina  there would be  no use  for their  brains ......

you know  you could  say anything to  anyone  before .......... even in Scotland  ..
.the  so  called  land of the brave ........... the  guys there  are afraid to say   words  like "chink "........the  last time i was  home ........... i  asked  someone ............ where  the  "chinkies " .......  
the guy said........... "you cannot say that  anymore" ........when  have guys  become so  fucking afraid  these  days .....what the  fuck !!!its an assholes  paradise ....

now you  have  some  yakuza  fish hacking mofo's ......... bitching about a white  Boy    imitating them ......

it seems women are pussifying men........... they are becoming some  ball less  bastards ............

American men  have  surrendered  the first amendments ......... because they are  pussy whipped there are  no other  reasons  ......

i hate those   pussy whipped  SOB'S ...........

be a man ....women are  raising a nations  of  spineless  men ............who are  just  too  scared  shit .....knock it off   !!!!


A White Sushi Chef Is Mocking Japanese Accents. Here's Why It Matters.

 Carla Herreria,HuffPost 21 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......