Monday, July 3, 2017

there you go useless fucking parents .....

Like is  say ..............only less the 1% of people of this planet are  of any good ! excuses  for  being  an  absolute  fucking piece of  shit parent .......

a reunion important is a reunion know  what  reunions are  for............. an excuse  to brag  about yourself ..........and get  hammered .....and meet  the asshole you hated ........... only to find out........... he is  bigger  fucking asshole ..............or  she  is a  bigger cunt .....simple  fact !!!!!!


Toddler Dies in a Hot Car While Family Attends a Reunion

 Alessia Santoro,Popsugar US Sun, Jul 2 4:00 AM PDT 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......