Saturday, July 29, 2017

pregnancy yuk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

call me  selfish !!!!!........... but this is one of the reason i never  got  married  ....after  seeing two women.........  drive my mum and dad  nuts ................. with their  births  sirree  !!!! bob .........

once  you knock a woman up  ..........she  has  control of  your  white/or whatever  colour  ass you may be .......

i have been  selfish ........... i  personally  do not find/think pregnant women are attractive .......yes !!!!...............most  men will say their  wife is  beautifu............  but they lie   Ali men lie  about this .........  because  for nine months ..............they have to  go through hell and  the sex  is  bedlam .........pure and utter ......

i  mean    men  do not really want   pork a pregnant women........... unless you  watch  fetish porn   ........... but if they do not  bang the  wife ............. when she gets horny in her treimesters ........... she will  do his  head in has  has  no  choice ........... and  his balls  are  blueer  than  democrats flag.....................not my bag at   all !!!!! 

however ........... women hate  to hear  anything about   anything........when they are pregnant .........they are  hormonal........... and  piss  all day ............and  go  through  8 cases  of shit paper  .............its a fact they pee all day ....not their  fault .........if you wanna  have a  kid...........  its the price the envoirnment pays ........

a pregnant women will scream .........  because  she is  uncomfortable ............i do not  get it .........their  ankles  swell ........the only benefit  is the men  get big tits  for  9 months .........if they are lucky .......... but after the  baby is  born  .......... not  tits  for a  while......... the little one  gets them  .......and  sex  neither   ..........the  gates  are locked........ some  cultures   ........after the  babies ............ the men  get   zero/zip/Nada/ know who  you are  ..............

there  is nothing   pretty  about pregnancy ........ That's  because i  never  ever  wanted a  wife ..........  and kids   ...........each to their  own  ..........all i  can say ............its your  bag!!!!!!!!!! .........

if the world  all thought like  me ........... it would be ...........underpopulated. ...........and  ........... civilized and   global warming ............and no   unwanted   kids ............

 an  there  certainly would be no need  to  adopt.....and we  would not use  as  much resources   ........

not to mention the diapers in landfill .......never  ever  de-compsing ....ever!!!!!!

but the  EO  ...........needs  indoctrinated  Masses  for  business ....simple

i guess i am delusional .............all i want is a pretty  vagina ............ not much to ask for  ....well it is  when it comes to reality...........   its not free  ............ never  was ......... never  will be .......... especially women  today  ............its a ticket to paradise  for them  ..........

women are taught different lies  just a fact .......

mothers inform the daughters the  value of the lady biuts  and not tosettle  but some of the unereductaed  do and end up on jerry ........but men are afraid to say this   scared shitless .......its a  trading commodity ........but like  everything els  if the  clit is  attached  to dumb stupidty  then its  little  value......fact ....thats why we  have  jerry and  maury  povich   a  conveyor belt of  stupidity .......


i am just telling like it is...........  most men are to  de-balled .........and spineless  to admit it ........... because they are afraid of their wives .......... and the  recourse ......... most married  men have to lie  constantly to their wives  choice ........i however  do not  need  to lie.........   i am not afraid..........  and   am not into being  pussy whipped..........  no women likes the truth .........ever  its  how it is  ........ parents  lie to kids ......... its why they are parents ......simple ......just the whole  truth ......not in Americ........... America hates the truth .......

We've all been there, the words just come out without much thought. But for pregnant and new moms, the combination of hormones, stress, and exhaustion can create the perfect storm for hurt feelings. Suddenly even your sister or best friend is getting offended by comments that would normally make her laugh.

To help pregnant and postpartum women feel more supported, take a moment to put yourself in their shoes and consider these commonly shared remarks that may get under their skin. Because the last thing you want to do is make another woman feel uncomfortable at this special time

We've all been there, the words just come out without much thought. But for pregnant and new moms, the combination of hormones, stress, and exhaustion can create the perfect storm for hurt feelings. Suddenly even your sister or best friend is getting offended by comments that would normally make her laugh.

To help pregnant and postpartum women feel more supported, take a moment to put yourself in their shoes and consider these commonly shared remarks that may get under their skin. Because the last thing you want to do is make another woman feel uncomfortable at this special time in her life. 

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......