Thursday, July 27, 2017

like i have said  drinking really is  for people  who cannot  enjoy reality ......this is not reality killing your  friend ........

alcoholics  do not know they are  alcoholics ......they drink ........and  are in denial........

i am not a holier than though son of  a bitch  goody two shoes......far from it ......i have done  my share of  drinking   .......   but i realized i had  other  things i  liked called reality ....... but it does help white people  dance ........and ugly guys/girls get laid .......

no one will come to your  party if you only have tea and  cookies  ....human beings  need to get fucked  up to  enjoy themselves  .......alcohol  frees  them from reality  ........and of course........  they can blame it on   alcohol .....why not .......

if there  was no alcohol  there might not be  as  many people  wandering the planet...... unplanned ......

have  not  bothered  with it   because......... when you are drunk ........ it means you can be at other  people s  mercy ......or you can get stuck somewhere .....

i  have lost friends ........and it has  caused  many  problems in  my friends  life ......

i dated  a bartender   great  sex .......... but a nightmare  .........and   highly dishonest .........and  untrust worthy..........   it might come  with the territory........

but its the  legal drug........... that has  killed  ........and will keep on killing  people  who   dabble in the world of alcohol ......... its  big business  ........and as we all know  .......... and i have said ........ most people  need it for confidence .........or  as they call it dutch  courage ...........otherwise  they are shy  and  reserved  ........

that's why  people  got to  bars ....... to get laid ......... and  meet a  drunk  chick...........otherwise  there  would be  no  bars  simple ......

barflies ..........yep they lie........  people  lie  when they are  drunk .........  and it  can also  cause them  to say shit ........they would never say when sober ......... because  sober  people  live in  fear   .....

the (EO).....created it this  way  ....not surprising........  entrap people .......... and  then let  them  drink......... .....and it  is  all about making big money .......

the price you pay  for drink driving.........  its a  vehicle ..........a  weapon .......and obviously this  girl had  no self respect........or self  worth ....maybe if she  had   good parents ........

well ........she will  have to live with it ....that's  all   its  was an expensive  drink  for  sure ......

it will never  deter  people  from  drinking ....... as  it  always  leads  otters  from reality .......

people  want escape from reality ...... as it   bores  them  ....... but it comes with  Price


  Yet another  rapper  gone  ....surprised .....i am not   the whole business is  about murder /drugs/ho's/stanks/strippers/kristal/club...