Monday, July 17, 2017

fucking clown!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

you see   ...clowns are  dodgy bastards ......they cant  help it  i mean  a  clown is  a clown .........look at the  movie  IT done  fuck all for the  clown  business ........stephen king  fucks  up shit for  people !!!!!!............

personally............. i think the person that wants  to be a   clown............. is a  drunk  ...........and  lonely........... and likes  playing with kids  .........and i  do not  mean  on wholesome level .........

i know they  have clown  school .......... its called  south  Florida ............ the place is  clown  capital of  the world  ............its overrun with  fucking clowns .......... of  all nationalities 

clowns  get a  bad  rap  .............. because they  act  stupid  as  fuck.......... and mess with ballons..........  and hang around  kids  

what sort of  grown cunts ........... need s that sort of  grief .........who the fuck  needs  to play with kids  all day ........... that's a  parents  fucking  job ......

and  cunts  that play  with  balloons   annoy the  shit out of  me .........  especially  car dealers  .............why do  they put  up  balloons   ......i have  ranted  about this  before  ........

say i am  driving........... and  willing to make a  30 thousand dollar  purchase for a  piece of  shire car think i am  going to base it one   some  wanker  putting up  balloons  ..........whats  sort of  moron   de -balled  cunt ............would  do  this  unless you are  married  to a fucking clown .........or  similar  ........

i hate the   MacDonald's  clown looks  pedo  as  fuck

to me   clowns  are  deeply disturing ...........and  have  mental problems ........  i mean  its a   fucking lonely existence .......... no  cunt  likes  you  ...........and  kids  take  the piss out of  you at parties ............  and  the parents    think your a  fucking  dildo ..........  for   being a clown  its a   fact .......

\no  cunt  will ever  take yous seriously..........  a  pediatric  surgeon............ is not  going to marry a clown ......... and you have to drive a  stupid  fucking  car  ...........saying your a fucking clown......... or   you do not get  work .......cunts laugh at you  driving   because you are  a fucking clown  ....................

its a simple  fact...........   not  many people   like  clowns  ..........unless  you are   simpleton .......... and like  hanging around  with clowns  .......only clowns  hang around  with  clowns  .......

  i simply would  not have a friend .......... who was a  clown .........  maybe i am  shallow ..... that's embarrasing  having to  tell  cunts your best  friend  is a  clown ....hey !!!!!meet my friend    bubbbbbblez  the  clown............   how the  fuck ya  gonna  pick up  chicks..........  when your  friend is a  clown  ........... how many women  are clown  fuckers .........

  they do have  clown  sex  porno   ..........i still do not  get that  how the  fuck    can you relate  fucking to a clown ...... cannot  get  off  without them big shoes  and the  fucking  outfit !!!!

i will never  understand  what role  the play in life  .....i  mean  kids   just   want  them at a party  to make  balloons  .......they do  stupid  shit  ......and the fuckers  at a  circus .........  a   circus  clown  uselessly  midgets   that are  abused  .........

a   clown  has   a  sad  life ..........  no one  wants  to go on  vacation with you In a  clown  costume  ...........its  just how  life  is   cruel  ....

i am  sure  all clowns  retire  to south florida .......... the  place is  swarming  with   fucking clowns   everywhere  .......

maybe there is  something in the  clown community  where  there  are clown gropupies  ahving  mass  sex  with men  dressed  in clown shit .......

most women think men are clowns  anyways............  and use  them ............women want a bad  boys.............. always  its their  mind  .................they are   always  wanting the guy they  cannot control .............. and when they get him  ............ they  cannot  and they end up with a  clown  .....only he is  not a professional clown ........just guy  who they  will settle  for  .................. becasue they cannot have  a bad  boy who  will pull their  hair  and  treat them  bad ........ 

 you  know the old  saying.............. nice  guys  come last ........what they should say   women treat men  like  clowns  ...........

tis si why women  like rock stars and msuicians  they lust after them always becasue they are rebellious and  they think they can get him .......bed  him ........... get pregnant  and then  tame him  to her clown ........

its the  simple  fact ........nice  guys  get shit on .........


Police Say Clown In Pennsylvania Tried To Entice 9-Year-Old With Money

 Dominique Mosbergen,HuffPost 14 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......