Saturday, June 24, 2017

road rage .......its a wankers mentality ......

I have lived in Florida  for  25  long hot years .......i have to say  .....

its way better than living is a fucking cold shit hole .......for example places  like Scotland york ....Missouri.....Minnesota.......just a a few off the top of  my cranium .......'.

South Florida is constant sunshine ....there  are  no season s......just fucking hot ......but the great the winters .....when everyone else is  fucking freezing their  as off you are wandering around in shorts and a  t-shirt ......

But like everything else in life........ there is  always that  underbelly .......always .......and the  dark side of  Florida is its a  fucking  bunghole of  humanity ......

its  like  a garbage  can ........... full of all  walks of  life  from  every part of the world ......and  even  Scotland .....yes i like it  here  ......because i would  rather  sweat than freeze.......i have  hear the  weather is  great in Hawaii but  its so  fucking expensive there ......

So you may be saying......... what does this  have to  do with road rage ......
Well without a  doubt .......
Florida is is  fucking  wanker state can  get  a licence  here  ..... just by driving around a strip  mall.........

its  very hard to get a licence in the UK ........ i tried three  times .......
 here it  was like ...15 minutes...... and the guy who was  testing me ........ was  just  short of  a fucking moron.....and i bet i could have  bribed  him .....its  America  ......
i have live on many states  ......travelled to many countries ......and  apart  from  Thailand ......... which is  an insane asylum .......Florida  has  the worst  drivers....... 
here  is   a list  just a few of  what you got here   driving in south  Florida.....  boca  raton....... the old  new  york ladies .....who are  blind  as  fuck.......  driving a  car  the   size of  Rosie o Donnell's  head .....and  cannot see over  the  dashboard ....and when it  rains ....the cunts  in boca........  are  fucking useless ......

2.the bus  drivers .....usually ........  islanders who do not car about shit ....and  drive all over the  fucking place........ and  think they own the fucking road   .....big bus small dicked  ...... unhappily married  man controlling people  in seats ...... 

3.the douchbag  ........who  is  having a midlife  crisis.....and  has  bought a  dodge  charger .......... with a  HEMI!!!!!!......or a  Porsche or know the type  .....he missed  his  youth........he  is  greying out........  and   now  divorced .......... and   now  looking for  the young babe in his  car  resume his  masculinity.......(which his wife took along with the  house  and  the kids ).. ...through  mechanics .....
you know  how  and  empty headed  fuck.........  will  date  a guy  because he has a  nice  car asshole in a Porsche or  dodge charger still an asshole ...... nothing changes just the game .... 

4.then you have the  bitch  driving ......talking on the  phones........  putting on make-up ....... drinking  coffee and ........  fixing her  fucking hair  .....endangering  everyone .....dam!!!!!  how the  fuck  do  women  pull that   shit  off ........ i have trouble  keeping my eyes on the  fucking  road ......

5.then you  got the  cunts  charging towards  a red  light......... and  then slamming on the brakes ........ you know the  lights  are red  ........why  are you  speeding up.....

6. then you have the  Larry the  cable guy ....... redneck.......  fucking swamp driving .........  deer hunting ....... hillbilly camouflage wearing ...........hog killer....... john Deere  hat wearing ..........with the  massive  tricked out  pick up ........which started of as  a F 150 .........but has 100 k of   attachments ........... and   sound  like  a  fucking  peterbilt truck ............
who  you know  drives a  big truck........ to  make up  for a small dick .......its  compensating for ....... its a  known  fact.......

7. Then there are the Tuck drivers ....... who  just  drive  right up  your  fucking ass  ..........those  are usually the  same  cunts  that own  #6....but  have   a   cargo  road  freight train ......and   think they  have   an  extension of the  truck  ......

8.then there  are  bastards  like me  ...who are in  no hurry  ever ......why  .......well whats the  fucking point of  driving like a  fucking loonie  are  achieving nothing .....if you  cannot get  in your car   half  and hour earlier.........  to get  some  where .......... and  relax .........  what is the fucking point ......i do not understand  why people  leave it to the  last  minute .......and then  rush ......."well i  have  responsibilities  ........wife  and  kids ........and  suchlike   ......well no one  forced you at  gunpoint ......... you have to make  time  for  traffic ......

9.the fuckers on the phones these  are some  dangerous  bastards  ....and  yes i have  been  an  irresponsible prick  sometimes ......i cannot do it is  a bad  habit .......i  try to not answer the phone  .....incidentally  one person is killed every 5 mins  while  texting .......i just   do not  wanna   joining them   just yet .,.......

!) then there are the loonies  on the  Saki burners....bushidos ....jap crap .......the hi-tech  bikes .........they are  just  unmatchable .......these  are  some  crazy  fuckers  ........

10. and finally the  road warriors .....the hog drivers .....AKA  Harley Davidson bikers ....mostly a  very safe  bunch of  road warriors  .....but fucking hell!!!!!!!  does you  exhaust  need  to  blow out  my fucking eardrums ..........i have  heard hog drivers  saying ........its  to let you know  we  are  here .........what a load  of  fucking bollocks.........  its  a  macho thing ....a  Harley   with no exhaust ......sound like   nothing  ....

These  are  just a few of  the   assholes in  the  fecal colony .......... called  south Florida .....
the  only way  to  get through it  you  have to  take your  time .......... i am not  sure  why  people  with   a large  metal  object  get pissed off .....

Road  rage is  just  another  example  of  why  people  let life  get the  better of  them  ..........
life is  great  but why let it  control you ...........  when its  your  life  its  insane ........

if you  are over 40 ...........and  lost your licence  for  the 3rd  time you think  you  are  just  not  getting it ......

or if you have been  done  for  drunk driving 3 times...... you might have  a problem.....

or you have a fast  car  ........ and you  are on  your  5 Th  speeding fine .......maybe you are  not  getting it .....

if you area  fucking   grown adult ..... and still getting   fines........  and  bans  .......
you may wanna  take the   fucking bus ....

If you  constantly risk your  licence ......... drink  driving........... its  all good its  your  choice   .........its  also illegal ...its  all fun and games ........till someone gets  hurt  simple .....

Road rage is purely and  simple  a  fucking  cunts  way............ of  using a   loaded  vehicle  as  an assault weapon ....
your  a  dick ....pure and  simple  .....if  life is that  bad ......... and  getting  the  better  of you ......maybe you  should not  be on the  roundabout .........  endangering otherwise  happy people ..........

Incidentally ......... a  licence is  not a   right in any state ..........its  an  earned  privilege ......which  can be taken away at any  time ......

just  some  people  are too stupid  to realize it !!!!!!


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......