Thursday, June 15, 2017

human beings and total hypocricy

Well as i have  always said .....human beings on the whole  are two faced  ...........and do not like the truth  hurts  in anyway shape or  form ............but worse than that is  the  hypocrisy of the  American media .......

Stephen Colbert thanks Donald  trump  for  his  concern in the wake of the shooting .......

Isn't it amazing ...........that people  have to die  ..........before someone  makes  an  apology......... or  recognition ........ Stephen Colbert  disrespected the president .......

This is  a despicable  part of  human beings ..........only until tragedy strikes..........  does  guilt  kick in ......i experienced  this  in one of my traumas  in life ............

Its funny how  rival enemies...........  can despise each others...........  even  siblings ......and yet when tragedy strikes  ............its  an opportunity to heal ...........i do not  understand it ..........on any level  suffering ........... is the  thing that  makes  people  band together  hypocritical is that ......

Maybe i lack  empathy.........sympathy..........passion  ..........but i did  witness  hostility...........  and   backstabbing  growing up  .......  maybe it affected  me  as  to how  untrustworthy  human  beings  are   ............even in close   proximity's .......

I laugh................. when you got the whole .......... blood is thicker than water  routine ...........only when its  profitable........... or  one gets  something on the front.......... or  back  end .........its a  human  pre disposition ........usually its long as you do not   disturb the murky gene pool........  you will always  be in favour ...........

I have  always  thought Stephen Colbert most  leftist  liberal media  ............indoctrinated  ...........brainwashed parasitical........... paycheck whores .......

we all know media is  totally about sensationalism.......... nothing  less lies   and its reporters  are  nothing less short of  a whore  mentality ......

for instance............ look at  Good morning America  .............with .....Michael stranahan .....and  George stephanopolis a    depiction of  a pussy whipped.........  emasculated  American  male  ......and  not too mention Matt lauer ................pure  pussies ...

This is what women  find  acceptable ........... a  pussy whipped .......... pandering male....... in a  suit and  tie.........  gob shitting on TV......and   in their  minds...........  they  want a bad  boy  to  fuck them .......they want to see  the   pandering  man.......... in  media  grovelling its  the norm  .....

News  is  for the  brainwashed........  we  all know  whats  really going on ......but  its  all about   goals........... and  targets........  as i have  always  said ......and  percentages ......

People will do  anything to get famous  now ....... .....and the  media  love it ............ an it   all relates  to  viewers.......... and  advertising  where the money is ......AGT ...........Americas  got  talent see  a whole spot ........... where  two old  ladies  come in for  dunkin donuts  ......subliminal ..........but effective .......

consumerism .....especially around the holidays .............trickles down to  the  big ad men............. and  the  companies  who  hawk the  shite!!!!!! .......

The today show  ...good  morning America .....

Ellen  de  generis ...........  she  gives  away  prizes ............... and she is  great  but its  subliminal  advertising disguised  as  kindness  great .....

Out of  tragedy comes  healing ..........if we  were  all  one  big nation........... instead of   a  divided  uncultured  nation  in America   .....this  country  could  do wonders ...........but   as long as  there is  division with  a country .............there will  always be  weakness  .......

its  better  for  business ........politics.......... and  business  it show  America is  such a  great  country !!!!!!!!!!!

Stephen Colbert Sincerely Thanks Trump in Wake of Alexandria Shooting

Superfan 8 hours ago 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......