Thursday, June 15, 2017

American freedom........ don't know how lucky you are

America of the  free .......well  look at this poor  guy  otto ......goes to Korea .....snags a poster  from a  hotel room   .....comes  back in a  coma ......pretty shitty ......not good .......yes  he  broke the law .......i have  been to  some   dodgy foreign  countries  .....and all i can say is you have to be  good ......

Korea   is  not the  best  hospitable country in the planet ....this white American  guy  went  there  .....and  nicked  a poster form a hotel .......he paid  dearly for it .....he should have know  ........but now he is  all fucked  up ......

I feel  bad  for  his mum and  dad  ....but this is  an epic  lesson for all all Americans   who go to these  countries  ......these  people  are  not  fucking around  ........

i was in  ahbu dhabi......and they do not like   anyone  other  than  a  camel trading look  similar  person ........and   liked  the  experience    but   was  glad  to  leave .......simple  fun ......

America is  too kind to non Americans  ........ maybe if they  took the  ideologies  of  third  world   countries in their   ways  they  treat  people  who  visit  .....maybe  it might   be  better  .....but then  this would  boil once  again   down to  CHC.....yes  cold  hard  cash .......

money will always  prevail ......i am not say you cannot buy your way out  of  these  guys this  kid  his  money was  no  good ....

I personally don't  think  Korea is  into  hospitality in a  big way at all ........hopefully people  will learn from this  ........

but there will always  be a fool  trying to be a  smart  ass .......not a  good  price  to pay ......

My heart  goes out to his mum and  dad ......

of course  Korea  does not  want him ........ he is  in a  coma  probably be a vegetable they  are   getting rid of  him think Koreans  give a fuck  about life .....not a fucking chance  ...


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......