Friday, May 5, 2017

There is never an end to stupidity.......

There  is  an old  saying....reality  is  for  people  who cannot  handle  drugs ..........and  drugs  is  for  people  who cannot handle  reality ......which  makes  perfect sense  to me .......i    have  never   ever  saw   the  reason to  escape ......why  people   want to escape  reality only  have to  come   back  sometime .......its  like   drinking  ....its  escapism.....but you have  to sober up   ...and  that part   sucks .....and  then reality sets in like  bills .....and  family  ....if  you can be  bothered   ..with the  bullshit .....and  we  all know   alchohol   only  reveals  the  real  prick he/she   is  ......fact ...if you wanna  see  the  true  person  ....get them drunk .....

However  this is  about drugs .......its  the  demise of   many ...who  decide  that their  existence   is  ruled  by  inanimate  objects .....i will  never  understand  how  one prefers  life over  drugs .....its  mental  decision i  guess  or  an  underbelly  of  self  hatred .....for  some  reason ....

Still the  whole naming of  drugs   for  instance  weed...coke....ecstacy ..speed .....all   have  some   normal sounding  names .....but   apparently there  is  a new  drug  hitting the streets  called   .........wait  for  it  .........grey  death !  i am   not  sure  about the rest of  the  mass of  populi .......but   a   product    with  the name  death in it ........does  not  sound  like i  need  to  be  taking it .........i  mean......  how  fucking stupid  do you have  to be  ...... to  take a  drug  called    grey  death ......and  here is the  kicker .....its  an  elephant  tranquilizer  you  would  think  if a  drug  knocks  out  an  elephant   it  might be  considered   dangerous .......but  no   junkies    do not  have  the   sense  to  fucking realize   ...why  becasue  they are   fucking  stupid   addicts  they  only want a  kick ......

Yep   and that  kick is   death .....the   phentanol  based  drug  has  been linked  to many  deaths ........geez  ya  think  .....i mean i know  rosie  o donnell     could  take it  becasue  well !!!!!  ....however i am not  sure   how  junkie  parlay    drugs .....but  when i hear a  drug is  called  grey  death ...... and its  an elephant tranqilizer .......the equation    does not   ring  up   good ......unless your  a  fucking   dumb bastard ....

In the end  it  does  not matter .....if you are  too stupid  to understand  the  correlation  of  danger  and  pleasure ....then you deserve  to die  a   death  however have to know the threshold  of  pleasure  ....unless of  course are   an adrenalin  addict  .....but those  fuckers  ussally croak ......

 But  in the    world of  drugs  ......dabbling  in a  drug  like  this know the   outcome  is  never  going to  be  good ......still you will always    get   somone  willing  to  do it  .....there is  no   end  to foollish people ......we  need  them in  the  world  else   do  we  test things ,........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......