Does anyone give a flying Fuck about this. Farce of a show guys. And. 12 o So desperate. Low self esteem. Mentally unstable. American. Broads......who you know. Are looking for more that. Love .........
I puke when women say. All I want is love. you fucking don't your lying. Out your ass. You want a guy to listen to your. Incessant. Yapping. .
..your shopping .....your. lies. Of. Orgasms. Fake of coure.....the headaches ......and of course fake periods ......the show. Is. Desperate chicks. And guy looking. For rocking horse shit. .........women themselves do not know what they want ......because. as soon as they have the guy. ......they change him.
And if he is a weak cunt he will.......submit ......iys called pussywhipping. And America is becoming a nation of little.bitches .......why do you think American men. Go to. Colombia ......phillipines .....thailand bring back a subservient women. ...who. does not challenge his. Ideaologies of American culture ..........she is. Just glad to get. Out of a fucking shi thole .
.......but even they get. Toxicated eventually by American culture .........its a fucking fact. Jack. ......whether you wanna believe it or not .......its a fucked up materialistic. Culture ......and as soon as the sweet immigrant women you hauled. Back from that shithole learns the ropes ......your fucked......south Florida is one of these. Bunghole. ......womenb day they want love. .....ifvthey. we're. Honest. ...then there would not be so many single. Mum's ........oh and don't fucking roll you eyes. At me. Like. It's. Fucking revelation ......sheeeit .....m
Fact of the matter. Love. Comes. Disguised. As a job a house .....stability .....assurance .....this is what women are looking for. ....but they. Wrap it up as love. To. Confuse a stupid fucking. But ....who cannot think straight. ...because his. Balls are crushed by his skinny. Jeans .....
Taking your head out your ads and simply calling it what it is ......oys Not love. .....women don't go out and pick up homeless. Guys ....what are you fucking nuts. Or. What...........iys. materialism. They Need to show off their house ...their kitchens. .their. decorative towels. .....their. plates they don't use .......yes it's called fucking madness folks. ......and some. Guys actually like it .......
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