Monday, May 8, 2017

On the subject of money.......

When someone  tells me its never  about money today's  world .......are you fucking high .....i mean  lets be honest  ...the only cunt  that  doe 's not  give a  fuck  about money is  the   homeless  guys   ...who is  raking in  bins ....not  giving a  fuck .....but  if  you really  think about it   today  money is everything .....unless  of  course you are  one of  these  people   born  with a  silver   shovel  embedded in your piehole ......then  you  are  on the gravy  train  like all the monkeys  ...swinging  for  the  branch of  life  .............

In modern  civilized  say  America   where they  tout  the  American  dream ....where  you have  to work  to  build up  credit you can  get a  car  and  a house .......and  stuff you cannot  really afford......because  your working  just enough  to  make  ends  meet  ...but  when you get  credit  you can .......... actually get  stuff  to give you .........   what they  call in America  is  an  image you  appear  like  you are  rich as  fuck  ...but in  all reality  you are  one  paycheck  away  from  being  broke  as   fuck .......because you  have   bills  like  credit  cards payments in all which  keeps you enslaved  to  man  who is  your  boss  ....and  he  makes  in an hour  ........ what you make in  a  week   depending where you  are  in a  corporation ........

The American dream is   sold  as  a  dream   ...where  in  fact  its   really  subliminal financial  slavery .......where you  are  shackled  to a  job .....because you  need  and  want  to  appear  successful ....and  wanna  be like   so you    can  fulfill a  void   inside ...... being popular   in your  job and liked you can have your parties  your  house  you do not  own ......furnished  by the  credit  cards you work  for  to  own  flat  screens  ....home  improvements  ......and  kitchens  and  bathrooms  that  are  all on the  never  never ........America  is good   at one   thing  ....slavery  .....either  financial  or   human otherwise ......its  with  its  brother  UK .....perpetrated   slavery  in some  way or  another .......

I mean  its  all about  image  and  what you  have to  show  and  not tell ......America  has   the  shop window  full  but nothing in  the  stock  room ........people only care  about you as  long as  you drive  a   new  car  or  where  you live  or  what  school you   put  your  kids   in  ...or  where   you dine ......America  is   about  surviving  ....not  existing ..........

Women  will tell you  ...."its not  all about  money ".......well   they are  pure  fucking liars ......unless you are  a man  ......hung  with tongue .......and     seemingly resemble  a  hybrid  of  pitt  and  clooney are SOL .......because  money is  king in America   always  has  been  always  will be  .......old  wrinkly men   get young  chicks  long as  they can  afford  them ......there  are  exception ....... but very  very  few .....women  look  .....for   a  man  who will  be their  banking system ......its  called  security ......and you   may  stand  their  and  shrug  your  shoulders  and  roll your   fucking eyes .......but that's  the  reality of  it  ..........

When a  man  gets  laid off  and  he  is  walking out  the  building with his  box  of   shit  from  his   cubicle  desk...whatever.......and   does  not   bring home  the   swine/bacon/money ......and  the  bills  are still coming in  .....and  the   house  is   heading towards  foreclosure    stuff  can  bet  that's  why  she  is   still    having  her mother  around
  .....women  need  their  mothers  around  ...its  back up .......or  her  best  friend  ...who is  her  best  friend    or  simply  wants  to  fuck  her  ......because  we  all know   most  women .....well  99 %   are    basically  four  shots  away  from   being a clit  licker .......

The  fact is   if you  not  making   it  ....she will find  another   ,.......please  do not think i  am  ragging on   the  mass populi of   women i am  merely stating  the  obvious  .....

We all know  that when a man  and  a women  separate ......she   starts  to use  the  kids  as   a   bargaining tool ....its  an inherent  natural  female  agenda .........because  we  all know  there is  nothing worse  than a man  who is  denied  his  kids  .and  women  will use  kids  to  get  money  child  support  she will turn innocent  children  against  daddy  he is  the  bad  guy .....he is  not  giving mummy money ......simple   easy  to manipulate  ...and it  gets  worse  when    she  finds  she  cannot   manipulate   him  with  pussy  no  more   she   uses  the  kids    even  worse .......

This is  the  American   dream me  cynical or  maybe  i am  hanging  around  with  guys  whose  other  halves  are simply  cunts .........grand parents  always  end  up   being  baby sitters one  way  or  another  and the   girl  moves  back  with the  parents  after  shit  hits  the  fan  ......and  the parents  become  the  banks .....

So  when i  am  embroiled in a  civilized  world  say America  ....aka ........ south Florida .....or  anywhere  USA  ........shit  does  not  change   or  vary  much  from  continent  to  continent  or  country  to  country ........its the  same  shite  in a  different is king money no honey ......people will try and  say its  not important ......i have  not  met  a  landlord  or  bank  manager  ...who  will take  love tokens or  some  barter  instead of  avoid  throwing your  ass on the street ......

When someone  tell me  its  not about  the  money ......i  obviously  hold  them  contempt .....the  simple  fact  that the  American  dream is  not  a dream  its  a  system of  financial  enslavement  ...designed  for  the  fat  cats  at your  expense work  to pay for   stuff you do not  simply own  for  many years soon as  you drive  your  brand  new  car  off  the lot have  lost  5 thousand  dollars ......that's a  fact .....and when you  trade it in your   in the  hole  deeper   they want you  in the hole dealers  and   fiance  companies are all in  bed  together   stroking  each others   dicks  ...its a  financial wangfest ................when you pay off your  house   when your  too old  to fucking enjoy it  and retire  .....unless your   of a  certain  trade  where  you retire  early   ...we  all know  who  that is      ....very few    ........ we all know  that deal  and  then   people in  below  have to  pay more  for  the  retired  ones  whore  retiring  faster   than  they are employing putting a certain strain on certain businesses ......this   why contribution are going though  the  roof  especially say  new  york..........

However  this  subject matter  can  go on and  on  .......but money  equals  image  .......

you are  judged on where  you love  where   you eat  and what you  wear  and  what you do in America   ......image  is  first in   the USA ......people don't  care as  long as you  have   perfect  teeth  and an incomplete  mind   doesn't  matter is  more   important than  class  and  dignity .......

The American dream is money ......they tell you work hard and you can have it  all ......its a  great sell ......but what they dont  tell you what  cost your  life  and  happiness 

disclaimer .... hippie  does not   promote  or   love   grammar cops ...... if you are one  of  these  cunts  looking to nit pick  one  of  my  rants  ...and  find  it  offensives or  truthful  ....feel  free  to go   to  walmart........  or   super cuts .....or  some  shit hole  where  your  entertainment  will  be  found .......

international hippie  will submit  pictures  or   whatever   which  have   no  relevance to  the  above  mentioned  rant ....they are  simply  just put  there  to  drive   people  nuts  ....thank you  for  your  co-operation and understanding 


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......