Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Here is a thought ...........

Aria  grande is  having a tribute  concert ....for all those  killed....... and hurt....... in Manchester  England ..............i think  she is a compassionate soul..........i  mean .......  we should really  be having concerts  all the  time ........ for  say  hungry  kids  ......vets .....homeless   people ........but even that  ......if we  were  run  by a  govt   ........that  gave  a  fuck ...........  this  shit   would never   happen  at all ......but it  does  ......

But  people  have to die  for  a   concert like  this ........... i   think its  a  great way  to raise   money for  them   ............ but .....and at least  people   can go there  and  feel    good  about  themselves   .........  for   helping the    dead  and  wounded  ......

people  can  go there ....... and  get fucking wasted ............ and  fucking high  as  fuck ........ and  beaned  out ...........and   have no guilt  .......... because............ its for  dead  people will  buy them  a passage  to the  pearly gates  ........... ...because  we  all know................   everyone who is   brainwashed .............  which is  a  massive  amount ..............  thinks  they are  getting into  heaven...........  because a pastor ..........or  a man  of  the  cloth .......... has  told  them............. if  they  go to  church  every  Sunday.......... and put  money in the plate..........   they are  good .....

Terrorism is  a  by product of  war.........  pure  and simple..........  it comes from  the hatred  of  men ..........going to  another man's land..........   and bossing them a round ......... and   trying to  invade  their  culture   ...........America ..........  has a  habit of  doing this  .......its  getting bad in Europe ...........Americanization ............its  not  a  culture its a business .......

if we  kept  having concerts  all the  time  for   causes ............. maybe  the world  might be  better a  place  .......... but that would  not  be  good  ............ govt  does  not like  things like  that .........  because they cannot  make  money from it ...............simple .......cancer  ..........they  make  money from  that  ......AIDS ......viruses  ......mental  health   .......its  all  cash  to  the rich  white man  who has   a  finger  in the  hole ......... and  a  portfolio   ...because all these  white man  need it  for their  mistresses  ......... for thier  egos ..........and  feel good about themsleves  ......while their  wives  get their pissflaps  re built  ........their  tits  re -done ......and those wonderful  dick suck lips........  that  look   bad .........but its  image .......all image .......

its only when  people  are  needlessly  slaughtered  by a  human bomb ............ or   something  like  that on  a similar platform  ........death  brings  all  together  a sick  morbid  way ........funny  how  people   have to  die.......   before a  concert  to  help is  formed ........

death is  a strange thing  .....we  weep  for  those  who  leave  us  ........... out of  guilt  .........because the  dead  don't  give a  fuck..........they are at   peace  ......and  rivals.........   siblings ......... or other wise ........  Will unite.......  because  of  death ......they  need  that person to leave   before  they unite  ...........i think its  hypocritical ........  why a whole  family  back stabs...........  lies ....... thieves  steals ......... and  hates  ..........until someone   dies............   and they all  start  to like one  another ........that tells me  h uman beings  are  fucking parasites  of the  lowest   form .......

i  even saw  it  at  my ex wife's   funeral ........  all the person  cared  about there  ..........was  the guns  he  did not  even like the  guy was not  his  biological father .............the gun  case  and  the  guns  is  all he  cared  about ,......even  to  the   point ............he took the  dead mothers  TV ........and  sold it   back  to his  step sister ................gods  bless  America .......that's   family values .......its really about money ....... it always  is .........people  only care  what they can  get from  the  dead person ......fucking fact   ....sick  bastards .......

but grief is  an emotion used  by the   devious prey on the weak..........  just like   the aforementioned ............

so the dumb bastard  that straps  bombs  to themselves ............are promised  virgins ........... and  all sort of  shit i  think  everyone is a  fucking liar.............till they prove  me  wrong..........  i will take  the  here ...... and  now  .......... and  will wait  till i croak .......

How  stupid  does a human beings   have  to be to believe  you are  going to   be helped  when you  die   .........what fucking good is  it when your  dead   ............does not  matter  all the help is  worth less  .......the stupidity of   empty headed  fuckers  ............ but its  all about   eeeeeking money out  of  the   religious  masses ............  for  betterment of  the  clothed ones ......... to abuse  the  privileges   ..........set forth  by the  religious  establishments  ......

Terrorism will not end  long as  America and  similar  entities ........ keeps invading countries ...........  and  taking oil ........  all in the  name  of   peace ......... balance  ......incidentally  all  war  does  is  make more  millionaires ......and they laugh while  bombs  are  dropped  .......

there are approx  25  wars  being fought on this planet ...............and  the death will not  stop .....but the  cash  will pile  up  ....arms  is a  ,massive  business .......

America has  been to war  with  Korea .....lost ...........Vietnam ..........lost ......Iraq......lost........ .....Afghanistan...........lost .......bombed  Hiroshima  and  all they  got  was  sushi .and the  sony products ..............the  track record is   abysmal ..........  and   the  money flows  like a river  long as  they are at wars..  .......there  will be  more ........  like  the   spineless  cunt on the way  .....delivering suffering to Innocent people  who  want to have fun  .....

and with that    i guess we will see more of them concerts

internationalhippie  is  an equal opprtunity offender to lighten  the  load we  thought  wewould  post  a  pic  of a man  who  totally believes in  god  .........


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......