Tuesday, May 30, 2017

angela murkle is a kraut cunt

I despise this  kraut  old  bag whore .......she is  a  gnarly old   fucking  Nazi bitch .......she let  Germany   get fucked  .........by letting in all these  Syrians  ....and  fucked  up  the  economy .......i mean i am not  a lover of  Germany ........they did  after  all  annihilate  6 million Jews  in gas  chambers ...........with help help of   32  American companies .........nice  fucking job  you twats 

Still Hugo  boss ......... helped out  the  nazis  looked  good ........... while  they fucked.........  raped  and killed   Jewish  women... in  concentration  camps .......after  all  when your  a  cold  blooded  Nazi  psychopath ..........you always  want to look your  best .........  when you  stick the  nozzle of you  military  issued  Luger.........  up the  vagina of a  Jewish woman and   pull the  trigger  right .........i mean look at the  British  uniform then   ....they all looked  like dads  army  .....fucking shit brown  colour ................

Germans  had  the  Jodphurs.......  and i always  ........say Boston  cops  look like  Nazi officers ..............  maybe   Hugo  boss  has  a  deal with them  now   ...more  Jews  to gas  i mean  what are  they going to  do with these   designs  let  them  go to waste  ......fuck no !!!!!!!from the  military  to law  enforcement  .....fuck  yes   re-cycle  shit   that's the   theme ...............i mean .......  why throw  away a  good  design   when you can  use it...........  to   arrest and  beat  up  black  guys in ,,a  symbolic   gesture of  hatred ......right .....its  all about  fucking money .........

Germany .........is  that awe  encompassing  third   reichtesque ........cold.......  callous ......... BMW  driving.........  Oktoberfest .....OCD  people..........who  are  brutally work minded ............... and  wear  colour  co ordinated  overalls in construction sites .....its a  great  country  if you like  Syrians.............. and sympathize  with them .........in their plight  to   spread   sexual  diseases ........ through  raping German  girls  ........

Well...........we  all know they want to wipe out  the  white  people .......... the  Muslims .....fact or  that old   kraut whore ............ would  not have  sanctioned  the  influx of    hundreds of  thousands  of  disease  infested  Syrians ..........  only a  fucking    fat old  Nazi bastard  lady  would   promote  such an  abortion of   human degradation ........

Germany............. like America............. is  money  orientated ...........and  greedy......... and  has   bailed  out  Greece   for   an  underbelly of  course  .........next they will be flying a swastika  there  ..........

i don't   dislike  Germany ............  because  after  all........... they had  the  best   porn in the  seventies  ......and   kept  fanta  busy ...........  drinking their  orange  under  the  guise of  an American   company ...........

America did well in the  annihilation of the  Jewish  people  ..........the railways  .......the  suppliers of  Faber  chemicals .........why not  its only business  right .......nothing sacred  when it comes  to money ......... this  would  include  family ........seen that one !!!!!!!!!

people  hate  the jewish people  in America ......... ......through the  grapevine  ........they have  a lot to  be  pissed  about .......America   loves  annihilating people  .......you know the red Indians  ......and war .......because its   rings  up the  cash  register pf  death ............those  wonderful  powerful  families  who love  their  trillions while   people  die  every second .....

the  next time i see  a Jewish person wear  Hugo  boss....... i will remind  them  that they  did  dress the  Nazis  ...........i know  Hugo  boss  must  feel  bad  about  it .........................no  they fucking  don't .........  ....corporation are  just  extended  sociopaths ........they   simply do not give a  fuck .......hug   boss ............Lou's vitton ......there  shit is  expensive ..........  i   guess  the reason for the high  cost of these  products  is  to pay for  the  jewish  families   who were  gassed..........   and their  skin were  used  as  lampshades...........  by the  SS ...........fuck  no !!!!!!!!!!!! ......the  reason  Hugo   boss   and Louis vitton .......... and   and the rest of  these   designer  killers ........... are  so expensive  is ............. because  rich  people  are   fucking  greedy..........  stupid   bastards ......how   can i prove  this you  say .........well lets  all look  at one  man  who preyed  on the wealthy   Bernie  maddoff............he  purely and simply   fucked  all the  rich  bastards  he could  get  his  hands  on ...!!!!!!!!!!!!  

Now ......... as you sit   there .......... drinking  you  napoleon  bandy .........  smoking a cigar.........  and  wondering  ..........why i am saying this ......... is  because  greed  ............is  the  rich mans   stupidity.........its   just a rich  version........... of  a  broke  ass.   trailer  park  white  boy.............  who is  crack addicted...........  and sell  his  grandmothers  false  leg   for a hit .......

The only  difference  with  Bernie  maddoff ........ is  he  fucked  the  super  rich ........and  why .........because  rich  people   can  never   have  enough ..........and  want  more .........and this is  when  greed.........  perpetuated into .........  complete and  utter  stupidity on a  level  that is  beyond  comprehension ............on a  normal mans  level ........but these  dumb fucks  think  they   can  turn  200  million into 400 million .......

This is  why ponzi  schemes  are so successful ........... stupid........  mostly a  white bastard  ......... gets greedy ......and  with the  greed  comes  the   pitfall ...........that's  all it  is .......... .........why do  drug  kingpins  get caught  .......... never  enough ......why  do  money launderers  get   caught..........  never  enough ........when you  have millions  ............ enough to  say .......... have  a good life..........  and  go  help  others  ......its  never  enough .......as we  all know ........... most white   people  do  stupid   shit on a  mass scale   its  what they do  .......look at most white collar  crimes .......

Angela murkel   has  the gall  to rip  trump ........... i say  she is  the old  fucking queen of  fucking up  Germany  ....i have been told..........  its   not  safe there .........  women get raped .......i have  been to Germany.........  .....Munich ...........to be  precise  .....its was  nice  then.......... it   did  not  look   like a  fucking  dust bowl...........  camel smelling ........third world.....   fucking shit hole ......... middle eastern   fucking  bizarre ........

Hey!!!!!!!!  listen  up ......... when you  go  to  another  person  House.......... its their  rules  ....and the  same  applies  to  a country  .............bringing your sister fucking mentality  to a  civilized  place  ........ never  works ........just a fact .........no one   wants  a  fucking shit hole  mentality ...........   or  a ghetto  run  down  hovels.............this is  what happens .......... when immigrant settle in  places ............ Michigan  ..........has  a Muslim  city .......why do you  fucking leave  your  shit hole .......... to bring your  shit hole  mentality   to a   civilized  world  ........if you like  your  fucking  bunghole   so much  why did  you   leave  ............

i left  Scotland...........  because ............i  hated  the  religious  .........archaic  simple  minded...........  brainwashing .........violence ........  where .........  grown married  men  fight in bars .......... and  glass each other...........  all  .because of football ......and  the  these   so called  men .............. pass on this  ideology of  hatred ..............  from  father  to son ..................when i left .......... i did not   realize  how pathetic ........ and  indoctrinated  people  could  be ......

Both people  who read  the  bible  ..........and   pretend  to be  catholic...........  or  protestant  .......... pretend  they like  Jesus  ......or  god   and yet   hate  each other  .........both apparently  praying to the  same  guy  ,.......and the only difference is  ..........one  goes  to a  Church ............. and the  other  a  chapel ...... but   both  dispense  money ........... to a  plate destined to   be used  in the   organization........   of men  who fuck and  rape  children ............  all because  they stand  in a pulpit of  disguise.............  using a  book  as a  weapon of  guilt ................  to a congregation of  people ............. who   have  no one  else  to believe in...........  because  they have been taught .............that a  fictitious  .............uneducated  carpenter  ..........died  for  their  sins ...............

Break me  of  another   piece of  that  bollocks ........religion only used  for   the  sole  purpose of control ......and  money  and  the  fornication of  children  who are  abused ......and  people  call  drug  dealers   monsters ..........you all  want to  take your  head out  your  fucking  ass  ......because  reality  is ............ not   all  cotton candy ....... and  joyrides  ............why do you think people  get   fucked  up on  drink ......because,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  they know whats  going on ...........its  a known fat that  preists  and  men of  the  cloth  fuck        and sodomize  kids .......... and   who has  stood  up to  them ........no  cunt !!!!!!!!!.... people  are  too  fucking afraid  to  do anything  about it in case  they  lose  friend  ........and   then  become  unliked ....   that's the   simple  fact of  life

This is  why people  have their  little  dinner parties  and  their   little  cliques  .....to be   accepted hey  know  religion is  a   fucking conduit   of  organized theivery ........... but will suffer  in silence ............  all in the   name  of   vanity .......... and  what  they  think is  dignity ............ when you think about ............it when you  go to any religious  domain ...........   your   just as  guilty  as  the priest  that rapes the  kid........after all  ....where do they get  the money from .......you !!!

international hippie ......... would like to offer its  condolences  .........to all the  jewish poeple  that were  annihilated  ..............while Hugo  boss...........  and Louis  vitton ....... helped  and .........of  course  fanta ...........and  IBM ......not  to forget  the  American  company who  built the  railroads.........and  our   deepest  sorrows  to all  children  ............ emotionally  fucked  and raped   by  all the priests ............. who got  away with it ........... and  still   were   never  prosecuted ......... because they were  men  of  god  ........and of  course  to  the papal  padre  ...........who  we  all know..........  turns  a  blind  eye  ..........to all these  atrocities  ........... as we  all truly know  .........all the money  is  needed  to keep the Vatican open .............. so all tourists  can go  there  and  truly  visit  the  omini  headquarters of  all   bullshit .....that and Jerusalem.......... ........although ............you can get a good  deal in the  beggars  market i heard .........

Merkel, minister stress U.S. ties after critical Trump tweet

By Thomas Escritt and Matthias Sobolewski
Trump fires back at Merkel, says Germany is 'very bad' fo...
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By Thomas Escritt and Matthias Sobolewski
BERLIN (Reuters) - U.S. President Donald Trump called Germany's trade and spending policies "very bad" on Tuesday, intensifying a row between the longtime allies and immediately earning himself the moniker "destroyer of Western values" from a leading German politician.
As the war of words threatened to spin out of control, Merkel and other senior German politicians stressed the importance of Germany's Atlantic ties, with Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel suggesting the spat was just a rough patch.
Trump took to Twitter early in the day in the United States to attack Germany, a day after Chancellor Angela Merkel ramped up her doubts about the reliability of Washington as an ally.
"We have a MASSIVE trade deficit with Germany, plus they pay FAR LESS than they should on NATO & military. Very bad for U.S. This will change," Trump tweeted.
The tit-for-tat dispute escalated rapidly after Trump, at back-to-back summits last week, criticized major NATO allies over their military spending and refused to endorse a global climate change accord.
On Sunday, Merkel showed the gravity of her concern about Washington's dependability under Trump when she warned, at an election campaign event in a packed Bavarian beer tent - that the times when Europe could fully rely on others were "over to a certain extent".
Those comments, which caused shock in Washington, vented Europe's frustration with Trump on climate policy in particular. And while German politicians sided with Merkel, Foreign Minister Sigmar Gabriel signaled that it was time for cooler heads to prevail.
"The United States are older and bigger than the current conflict," he said, adding that relations would improve. "It is inappropriate that we are now communicating with each other between a beer tent and Twitter," he said in Berlin.
Merkel had already begun finessing her message on Monday, stressing that she was a "convinced trans-Atlanticist", a message she repeated after a meeting with visiting Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi in Berlin.
But Martin Schulz, leader of Gabriel's center-left Social Democrats, was less emollient earlier in the day when he told reporters Trump was "the destroyer of all Western values". He added that the U.S. president was undermining the peaceful cooperation of nations based on mutual respect and tolerance.
In Rome, Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni said he agreed with Merkel that Europe needed to forge its own path.
"This takes nothing away from the importance of our trans-Atlantic ties and our alliance with the United States. But the importance we put on these ties cannot mean that we abandon fundamental principles such as our commitment to fight climate change and in favor of open societies and free trade," he said.
(Additional reporting by Steve Scherer in Rome; writing by Paul Carrel; editing by Michael Nienaber/Mark Heinrich)


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......