Sunday, April 30, 2017

you know what really fucking annoys me about human beings .....

I Have said many many times  before ....i am  not   an  ambassador  for  the human  race  on  any level i  believe  they are  the  dumbest   bastards  that walk the  earth  ....and  do not  deserve  the respect of  animals  heres  why .....

Human beings  do really  fucking stupid  ...inodoctrined  shite  ......i am  watching the   2017  rock and  roll hall of  fame   ..inductees ......what makes  me   mad  and gag  about  this   fucking retarded   gig   they  make  someone a member  long after  they  are  dead ......what the fuck  good is  anything after  your  dead ......i mean  really  ....what   stupid  cunts  human beings  are  ......things  only matter  when your  alive ......

For instance  tupak shakur   has  been inducted  in  the  rock  hall   of  fame  he  has  been  dead   20 years  ......yes   20  fucking years ......and he is  just inducted 

I personally  think  tupac  shakur  was  one  of  the  greatest  philospers  of  our  times  a  genuis  beyond ..........he  left  us  too early  in the  violent  hemispere  of  east /west  relatonships of  the  rap  world  ....its a  musical  battlefield ......sad   but  there you go  is  a  world  that  has  its  underbelly  .....epsecially  the  rap  world ......but    so many  in this   biz  have been  killed .......

Like  all  the  great we  get   blessed once in a while  with  musical  greatness .....

But however point  is   music  like  art  is   very   rarely  appreciated  till somone   dies  .....and how  can  you tell .....well  2016 ....we  lost  a  shitload  of  really  really   fucking  great  performers ......two of  which  whom w e  all know   goegre  michael ........and prince   ......yes  iconic  legends  ......yet  there    albums   were   only selling     and   doing   marginal  until   they  died ......and  they  become   number  ones  and their  vinyl  went  through  the  roof....

Artist  once  they  die  their  paintings  become famous  ......there  are  a few  like  peter  maxx on  and  so  forth .......but   basqiat   he  died  his  shit is  worth   a  fortune .......warhol ......i know  you are  saying they will not  make  anymore.....but  thats    a  sick  mentality ......

Human beings  have  a morbid  obsession with  death ......we  cover  dead  people in  make  up  and  fill them   with   faormaldrahyde ......even  when  they are  getting cremated ......why  well  because   people  are  fucking  brainwashed   by  the  masses   on   how  the   approach life ......taught  from  school  by  lies   and  dishonesty ......death is   the  end   we  die   thats  it  ......but  .....its  a  business   a  massive   billion dollar  industry   of   taking   advantage  of the  grieveing .....

I personally  do not  want  fuckers   coming to  my   end  and  lying like  horse  thieves  and  making  up  eulogies  of  horseshit  .....becasue  of  death .....i    donated  my  body  to  science   or  whatever  they wanna  do  with  it take  the organs  .......

you can only leave  a memory  nothing  else ......whether  that   memory  is  good  or  bad   .....thats  all you leave  nothing  else and  friends   are  like  fucking  cockroaches  and parasites   when  a love  one  dies ......all they  can think  about  is   cleaning  up  their  hhosue  and  getting rid of  it   and  taking posessions one  gives a   fuck   ,.....human  beings   grieve  for one  reason and  one  reason only .......and if you  do not   know  what that reason  is ........ your a  fucking   parasite ......

seems to me  like the  rock and  roll  hall of  fame is  a  dumb idea  least  journey got in  they are  alive ......thank  fuck  for  tupac  his  music  lives   on  ....he left  us    some   amazing  stuff ........

Maybe  george michael will get in  in  a  decade ..........its a grubby  business  the  music  business  .....there are   some   amazing exception to the  rule ......but the  whole   underbelly is  a  grubfest  .....everyone  related in it  somehow  knows  what the  fuck its  all  about .....but its the  price you have  to pay  for  fame .....some  times  like  the  great  the  price of  fame is   ultimately ....death........

Its  funny   everyone  what to be  famous   for  something  or  another  .....and  sometimes  when they  get  it  they find  out  thats  its  not what  they  expected ......maybe  life  has a  strange  way of  telling us  that we all the  fucking  same ...going in the same  directions  at  different  speeds  ....and when we   get to the  finish line   we  are  all the   fucking  same  ....naked  filled  with  chemicals   ...or  burned  to  a  bag of  ashes ......what we  leave  behind  is  a trail of  dust in  our  wake  just  depens  how  big the  trail you wanna  leave.............


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......