Tuesday, April 25, 2017

The Rothschild

If you think all the senatorial handwringing and Congress  Republican and Democratic are enemies ......then your fucking. Nuts. .....all the cronies. Are in bed together .......there is one boss and one boss only .......the Rothschild .....with an estimated 737trillion dollars ....and they have financed every war since the beginning ...........
You see it's. Money money money ........if you think  it's govt ......they are just.   Employees ......5 sons of the fothschilds.   Are head of the.  Banking conglomerate .....its not.  A.  News flash. ....if you. Read. And study.  World affairs ......and. do not.  Get.  Brainwashed ....the world is one big. Bank.......thats all
.the queen is worth a trillion     ....so go figure. Who is actually. Running shit .......america. is at war with. Countries. ThAt do not have. A. Rothschild. Banking system .......this is. Why. America, has     to. Keep up appearances. ....they create wars. To.   Divert. ...appeatances .....none of this is a shock.    It's.  Fact America is. One. Big. Businesses. Owned.  By. The powerful.  Families.......i personally. Don't give a Fuck.  Who owns.  And controls. The world.  ...........nothing. I can do ......we.  all know.  The. All powerful.  Monarchy.  ........MI5.  ....all the. Big.  Players.......its been like that. Since inception. .......so.  in the end. Your votes don't matter.  Shit.  ........Much. Like. You........ Its, way way.  Way. Bigger    than. Just.  A President.  Running.  Shit .......donald.  is. Just.  A white. Man.   Doing a. Job.  That's. It .........like. barock.   He.   Was. Just.  Doing a job.    ....nothing more.  Nothing.  Less ......wars.   just.  Don't. Happen.   They.   Are.  Made. Specifically. For  once. Reason. ......make those powerful white. Rich. .......thats it......all these retarded. Weak.  Assholes. Rooting. Opposing trump.   It.  Is.  A waste of time.  It's. Just.  A. Rouse. But the. Govt liked. This.  It looks. Good. In the eyes of The. Brainwashed. Masses.  ....as.  long. As the sheep. Keep. Theo. Blinkers on.  And go shopping. It's.  All good .......

The weak. Shall the meek .....
The strong shall overcome......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......