Saturday, April 22, 2017

its funny thing

I personally think  most people are  absolutely mental as  fuck ......human beings are  deranged  in how  they live  life ....for instance  a  man works all his life  to   retire  ....and  what do they do  when he  retires ......give  him a  watch do what he  has all the  fucking time in the  world ......

when a person  dies ...they   drain the  very  blood  they are  given...and its   replaced  with  formaldrahyde preserve them in  what the state of  death .....and  then  they put  make up on them  to make them  look  good .......they are dead ....death  is  not  meant  to  be  about  looking good  you are  dead .......and  the most insane part of it  all  they   do this  and  cremate  them  too people  pay a  person  to  make a person look  good and  then  burn  them  retarded  and  stupid are  people ...yet somone  is  making a shit  load  of  money  on  grief .......dumb bastards ......and the worst part is  people  say  at the  funeral  he looks like a  younger  version......what the fuck is wrong with you  the person is  dead  ...or people say he  never  looked  so  good  he  loooked  worse  than  death when  he  was  alive .......i saw  this  at a  funeral least the  chinese  do one  thing they celebrate    death  unlike  white and  black people  who  just   fucking  cry  and  talk lies  about the person at  their  wake .......and you know they are  lying  bastards .......

And  while i am on the subject of  death  it  not  amazing that  a  person  has  to  die  before   people   become  friends or  family ...after  years  of backstabbing  disloyalty and  hatred inother  words  a  loved one  say  liker  a  mother  or father  has to die  before  one  beocmes  friends ........i  see that as  hypocricy   ....becasue   needing an oportunity  for  one  to   take  advantage   makes  them   inhumane  ...unless  there  is   an underbelly in the  factor     somewhere......or  maybe i  am not braiwashed  and indoctrined  like  the  mass of   people on the  planet ......who think its  okay  to  own a pet .....yet  consume  a    baby  that  not its  very  essence .......or  even   worse  is  aperson  who  cannot  love themselves  or  even  hate who  they are   or  have  no self  love .....that is   a level of  insanity  thats  inconceivable .......why is  it that a  woman  cannot  love  herself  .....yet  think she  can  equally love a  child ......if you dont  love  yourself  ....then you do not  desrve a  child ..........unfortunately  the  truth will always  divide  us   and   seprate  our  so  called   people  who  claim  to love us  ......but really   never  ever  have .....becasue they  never  even  loved  themselves  from the  core .......

I would  rather  be  despised  and  alone  ...than  be  surrounded   by   family and  friends  who   were  never  really  least  i  have  myself  .....peoplebly the only person you can  ever  trust is  yourself seems   human  beings  are  pre-dispositioned  to  take .....hurt ....despise ......or  generally lie .......parents  do it  from  the    get  go least  i had  a privilege of  having a  mentor  who   taught  me  tell the  truth .......the  truth is  it  hurts ....even  sometimes  when you have  to dispense it  to yourself  sometimes ......but life  goes  on ......we  all  end up   in flames  ....or  in a  box in the  ground ......i never  understood the  coffin  deal   ...but then its a  great  business   maybe  thats  why .....dying is  a  very wealthy business ......and  when a person is  emotionally  distraught undertakers   milk  that fucker  dry ......

I guess  we  take life   too serioulsy  when we   are only really  here    for a  short time  ....when you are   60 are  only really  40   becasue  you  have  really spent one third of your  life if you  croaked .....when only really   had  40 years .......sleeping is  only  a  part of  recharging your  life ......its a  pity  we  need  to sleep  but iu  guess  the   dramtic  strain we  put of  our  torso  .......means we  need   8 hours  to repair .....

Life is  short ......some  people say their is a  heaven and  a  hell ......i personally think  there is  niether either    live life  heaven on earth ....... or   hell on earth .......its your  choice  .......i simply think  when you croak  its    done .......all the  people  who  believe  in the hocus pocus  .....of  here therein  after .......good  fucking luck ........

ABOUT TIME ........

  Federal workers have had it way too easy  ......way too long  a.......nd  now  a new  boss is  coming ........oin to  kick some   federal ...