i am confident that the sector of human beings ........ that like objects inserted in their anal cavities ....... will be happy this invention came along .....the richard geres of the planet will be happy .......i personally know that it is merely a mass of excirment ...... i have no desire to inspect ....only if recommended by a physician ....aka doctor ....primary care giver ......i am astounded that human beings are obsessed with an organ that dspenses fecal matter ....which its sole puropose is intended ...by the so called god everyone believes in ......and are brainwashed by .......some people like the idea of playing/prodding//inserting/putting other human organs in ....a place that is basically a sewage pipe for human beings to dispense foul smelling by product of the food they consume .......there is nothing attractive about an anus ...in anyway shape or form as it is usually a place of disease and parasitical objects .......no one dispense petal /marigold ..rose smelling fecals matter.....even if you are royalty .....
unfortunately its the deciding factor that unites all human beings ....and of course blood .....becasue if you are european and you are in china they have the same places that you dispense your fecal matter into a porcelain covered pipe .........but i am sure the twisted depraved human beings will find this a breat anal probe for their fascination with the anal cavity ........
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