Thursday, November 17, 2016

you see divison and persecution .......

I have  said it now and will say it  again ......cultures  much like religion is  designed for control ....brainwashing and indoctrination ......why else  would you  do it ......

If you  like who you are  ....why do you need  to follow  any stupid  rules and  made up bollocks  ...usually  old  drunk  uneducated  fucker  ...who  had no another  reason to do it  but  for  self indulgence ....

religious heads ....tribal leaders who want power  its for  self  indulgence .......a weak man will always seek out power ....if you are already powerful in your self ,  do not  need  power comes  from can use it  to help others  gain control of their  lives .......

religion and cultures are  simply formatted  for one  reason  control  for the underbelly of  money .......marriage  for instance is  a  control do not  need  to prove  someone   by  marrying them  ....this is  societies  way for you  to conform  for their   indoctrinated  minded   to please others  for the  self  gratification .....if you are not  married  and  shitting out kids ....then you  are  not    family on  and  so forth ......

cultures  pure  brainwashing .....i am  Irish i have to drink .....i am Spanish i have to eat  paella  and watch  bullfighting....i am  black  i have to eat  chicken ....i am Italian have to eat spaghetti  drink wine .......i am Scottish i drink whisky  and  eat  haggis ......i am German i have to drink  beer  and eat  big dick looking  meat on a  bun and   so on and  so  forth ,.........this is  indoctrination .......

If you feel you have to do something   because its  expected of you .....i have  even  heard  dumb  fucking assholes .....saying stupid  retarded  shit  like ...."real men"  drink beer .......or  "real men  eat meat" fucking lily livered  and retarded  and  brainwashed  is your  stupid  ass .....i even  heard one  time  by an inbred  uneducated  shit  kicking   hillbilly  asshole in Arkansas ...say on thanksgiving  ......"you don't  eat meat  .are you gay "   now  you know this person  attended  crack college"  or the  Arkansas  school  of tractor  driving .............

Peer pressure  pressure ....its all the same  .....if you  don't  conform don't fit in ......The  town i had the misfortune  of living in  in  Scotland  don't  have kids don't  fit .....its  religious  you have to  have  kids .....its  the  way of keeping you in check ....misery  loves  company .........

Maybe i ot it ruined for me  as i saw  an older family  persecute  my parents  with their chronic  bullshit...... of using  a  child  to get money ...emotionally blackmail parents  ......for  selfish reason  or   i personally  think it was a mental disorder  form  childhood ..........spanning for  the fact  she  should have been an  only child............ ...and hated the fact  more came  along and the spotlight  dimmed  to a point of  nothing .....i personally think it was  this  ...or  simply the ob/gym  dropped her on  her head .....

my father  always was  convinces  there was a want about her ....i saw  this  .....and it ruined  the notion of  having children ....which i guess  may have turned out to  be  a positive  thing many years  later........ .....getting peace  away form  people ....who  are  annoying  and  very easy to predict ....still people  need to be led and need to be liked  by  some  organization or  church or  some  group    because people  need  to be needed  that's why they are parents  that and  indoctrination  to be  accepted  also ....

I will say this personally  ....its better to be  hated  by many ....than  to be liked  by a few  who pretend  to like you ......those  are the worst fucking low life  cunts  floating in the  shit pan of life ....

Observations about society, including culture and religion, and about life. With our inherent social nature, group behaviors are important, such as divide and conquer, absolute power, or conformance, in the critical issues of our day. A team with diverse skills can accomplish what an individual cannot. Our problems are solved when we work together.
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Culture and Religion

This web site is about our human nature and how the social forces of culture and religion can bring people together for cooperative success or can divide people for persecution and suffering.

Culture defines the social forces within a community involving its conventions for behavior, ranging from food preparation techniques, to forms of entertainment that keep the community together like music or dancing, to dating rituals, and so on.

Religion defines how the community members interpret their role in the universe, with this teaching based on the local culture, so different religions rise out of different cultures. Similarly when members of one religion convert members of a foreign culture often the resulting religion in that area is affected by the host culture.

According to the book by Jonathan Haidt, the Righteous Mind, most of humanity seems to fall into valuing one of two tendencies higher than the other, either tolerance or loyalty and conformance. I suspect those valuing conformance higher than tolerance can be influenced into intolerant behaviors. This book also points out the inherent groupish nature of people. These tendencies provide the foundation for the typically divisive political leadership of today.

According to the book by Jared Diamond, Guns, Germs, and Steel (GGS), religion only surfaces as something important to a community after the group has grown to such an extent that layers of leaders are in place to manage the larger population and its resources. Religion is often a tool of politicians.

Religion is a divisive tool for political leaders as it enables one group to be defined and divided from another, just as race has been used. Whenever one political group can unite against an opposing group, persecution and suffering is often the result for that group now isolated from the others. The book GGS also describes how different cultures have conquered or disappeared over the course of human history around the world.

In our modern times of high rates of literacy across so many different cultures around the world, we should have learned that cooperation is part of our human nature and its practice will be successful in most endeavors, where a group of people of diverse skills and backgrounds can succeed when individuals or a group of uniform skills cannot. Instead the problem is 'divide and conquer' remains the most widespread leadership technique, so only a privileged few will benefit to the detriment of so many others.

I started this web site because American political and religious leaders were using the Christian religion to justify the wars in the Middle East. This message is emphasized throughout our media, with the ever present phrase 'God bless America' as if our country is exceptional as the conduit for God's master plan during our campaign of dominance over competing cultures and religions in the world.

The point of this web site is we are all part of this global community and it is not fair that only a few benefit while most suffer. The concentration of power, with no workable mechanisms for accountability, leads to absolute power which (as observed long ago) corrupts absolutely. The major problems of our time arise directly out of our presently large social structures (government, corporations, etc.) that are managed by those lacking empathy for anyone impacted by their behaviors and policies. Sociopaths are those most likely to succeed at the top, especially whenever there is the priority on short term results. I find it quite appalling our world is approaching the dystopian world described in the infamous book of fiction 1984, as if no one of importance has recognized such dangers.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......