Politics is a dirty business.....if you did not know this ...your head may be further up your stinky ass than you think ......Hilary was so enamoured by herself ...she was so sure she was gong to win.....using stars like beyonce ...Katie 'big tit's perry....miley fucking cirus whose cunt looked like an old chicken when she twerked in front of robin thick her ass was gnarly .....rosie fat fuck O'Donnell ...irish wannabee fat whore ...whoopi goldberg ....the line grows cannot wait till they fuck off ........all you whining low self esteem Democrats were so fucking sure ....but you got played ...because your head was in your asses ...donald knew that the Whites who were in states were afraid or a fucker like Hilary taking over ...donald is a business man while everyone was attacking him and spreadng shit he was in touch with all the people in rural America ....all the stupid dumb liberal weak asses were looking at the trees and could not see the field ......
you have to know the art of the deal was a testimony to business plan ...politics is a dirty business,.....and Donald is a business man .....you could not see this ...if you couldn't then you deserve to be fucking raped in the ass with a chainsaw.....i said form day one he was going to win .....Hilary was a chick and she tried to play the chick card ....women power bollocks .... and she thought she had all the women in her pocket ....... it but one thing i found out all women in America do not like getting fucked in the ass by politicians ....so Hilary underestimated the female power .....winner winner chicken dinner ...Hilary thought she was so sure she was going to win i am so happy to see her gutted like her cunt friend abedeen two faced insecure .slut......politics is one dirty business and someone has to be fired..... Hilary failed her people she spent so much energy on burying Donald....... while he filled stadiums ...she could not see it she thought she would be the first women president ...she was stopping at nothing even using the weakness of the democrats they were too busy ..mouthing off they got played from both sides ......don't forget she fucked over Bernie ..but she could not fuck over Donald he is a real man real men do the business ...only a fucking pussy will let a woman stand all over him ...its not fucking rocket science .....women hunt out weak men to fuck over ....it stands in the sands of time .....Donald trump was a player... he is the best at his game ....he turned politics on its head and did what no man did ...i revel in Hilary's failure she was a narcissist and the weak people bought the shit .....Donald is a player .....don't hate the player hate the game .......always !!!!!!!!
UK/great britain,,,,,,,,, old blighty ruined ............
UK,,,,,united kingdom/great Britain/old blighty....... .....was never ever this bad ..........i know why it is ..because...........
mark zucherburg just lost 7.2 billion dollars but he has another 82 billion so its not that bad when you have that much cash i guess .......
I mean for fuck's sake who does not like tan lines .......women love them on women .....men love them on women .......they are aweso...
If you are not busy.......need something to read while taking a shit/dump/crap/turd/turkish delight(shite)winnie....winnie the pooh/mister...