Saturday, November 19, 2016

America it or leave it ........

People move to America ....which does not really need  them  ....and this will include  me ....this empty headed  dim witted  fuckers  think America  owes  them  ...for  what .....refugees come  here  .....immigrants  come  here  ...and  expect everything for  free .....if you made it to the shore from  Cuba  and  land on sand  ...the American govt  gives you  ass shit  for  free ......and its  never  enough ....people are  just  greedy cunts  by  nature ......

why do people  people  leave  shit holes...and come  her and bring a shit hole mentality ....

its  crazy when you go  somewhere  foreign  ...say  like Spain or  tenerife  and you  got to a place of your  country ....

its like Irish bars in America  ...they are not Irish  by  any standard  ....

in Orlando  we  have  Brits  go to  Orlando   and then  go to a  British  bar  or  cafe .......

I have been  to a few  Scottish  festivals in my  time  in  Florida .....but its  really a  fucking excuse  to drink   and  buy some  shite  souvenirs ....really ....i do not   need  to be  reminded  of  a country  that shit put  of  freedom  .....

i think those fools  who come  here   and hate how its  run  should be  barred its  America.....Americans  have the  right  to  hate  fuckers  who  don't   comply ....yes  America is full of  rednecks and  shit .....i  do understand  that America  should be  populated  by  Indians  because they killed  600 million ......... but  bringing  a  camel ..... goat killing.....  black  magic  mentality...... here  and  expecting  people  not  to say  merry  Christmas  fucked up  ...i know   we  all know  Xmas  is  pure  bollocks  ..but its all they have  ..that  and the  turkey killing  day ....

its  crass  its  America  its a  business  ...its  not  a country ...

Americans its their  country ....their  rules ......


  I  not  sure  if the  same  guy   is  running  FEMA   ........... who was   years  ago     but apparently........  it was  a  post given t...