Thursday, February 18, 2016

human beings have reached an all time low ...this is the end

i have  to post this   in sheer  disgust  disgust  ...thisiis  the times  we  are   living in  ....filthy parasitical  remenants   of  what we  call human beings...a  shameful  display of  human   narcisisstic  behaviour ...beyond  anything  unforgivable ....this is  the west  demostration of  human behaviour   possible  saddens  me  that i have  to show this  ...but this  shows  the times  we live in ...all involved in this  should be  deeply  ashamed  ......but they  won't becasue  if they  had a  gram  of  feeling they would not have  participated i   such a  barbaric  filthy act...hope you are proud  of yourself  you  fuckers ....

dolphin dies after beachgoers pass it around for selfies

Maria Mora
February 18, 2016
Endangered baby dolphin dies after beachgoers pass it around for selfies
<p>The selfie craze has entered a new low. An young, endangered dolphin died after beachgoers apparently pulled it from the sea to take photos with it.</p> <p>Last week, a tourist staying at the Santa Teresita beach resort in Argentina reportedly picked up two Franciscana dolphins from the water. A huge crowd of people gathered around the dolphins and began taking photos with the animals. Unfortunately, one of the dolphins quickly overheated and passed away while it was out of the water.</p> <p><strong>Related</strong>: <a rel="nofollow" href=''>Eerie diver image allegedly reveals how dolphins see with sound</a></p> <p>After the dolphin died, it was still being passed around by beachgoers and it was later left abandoned in the sand. <a rel="nofollow" href="">Hernan Coria</a> shared a few images on Facebook showing the two mammals being held while tourists are seen smiling and completely unaware of what is happening to the animal.</p> <p>Shortly after the images surfaced, the <a rel="nofollow" href="">Argentine Wildlife Foundation</a> issued a warning to the general public about the endangered dolphin, hoping it can help prevent future tragedies such as this to happen.</p> <blockquote> <p>No le saques fotos. Ayudalo a volver al agua Estas situaciones pueden llevar a su muerte <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a> <a rel="nofollow" href=""></a></p> <p>— Vida Silvestre (@Vida_Silvestre) <a rel="nofollow" href="">February 17, 2016</a></p></blockquote> <p></p> <p>“The Franciscana [also known as La Plata], like other dolphin species, cannot survive for very long out of the water. It has thick fatty skin which provides warmth, so the hot weather will cause rapid dehydration and death,” said a representative on the website. “At least one of the animals [from the photos taken in Santa Teresita] died. The incident prompts us to inform the public about the urgent need to return these dolphins to the sea if one is found on the shore. It is vital to help rescue these animals, because every Franciscana counts.”</p> <p>The Franciscana dolphin is one of the smallest and rarest dolphins in the world. The mammal is considered to be “vulnerable to extinction,” with only 30,000 believed to be roaming in the wild.</p> <div></div> <p></p> <div> <div> <blockquote cite=""><p>Segundo delfín que aparece en el día en Santa Teresita una lastima no creo que vivan</p></blockquote> </div> </div> <div> <div> <div><b>Also watch:</b> Forza Motorsport 4: ‘Endangered Species’ trailer</div> </div></div> <div> <div><div><div>Please enable Javascript to watch this video</div></div></div> </div>
The selfie craze has entered a new low. An young, endangered dolphin died after beachgoers apparently pulled it from the sea to take photos with it.
Last week, a tourist staying at the Santa Teresita beach resort in Argentina reportedly picked up two Franciscana dolphins from the water. A huge crowd of people gathered around the dolphins and began taking photos with the animals. Unfortunately, one of the dolphins quickly overheated and passed away while it was out of the water.
After the dolphin died, it was still being passed around by beachgoers and it was later left abandoned in the sand. Hernan Coria shared a few images on Facebook showing the two mammals being held while tourists are seen smiling and completely unaware of what is happening to the animal.
Shortly after the images surfaced, the Argentine Wildlife Foundationissued a warning to the general public about the endangered dolphin, hoping it can help prevent future tragedies such as this to happen.

“The Franciscana [also known as La Plata], like other dolphin species, cannot survive for very long out of the water. It has thick fatty skin which provides warmth, so the hot weather will cause rapid dehydration and death,” said a representative on the website. “At least one of the animals [from the photos taken in Santa Teresita] died. The incident prompts us to inform the public about the urgent need to return these dolphins to the sea if one is found on the shore. It is vital to help rescue these animals, because every Franciscana counts.”
The Franciscana dolphin is one of the smallest and rarest dolphins in the world. The mammal is considered to be “vulnerable to extinction,” with only 30,000 believed to be roaming in the wild.


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......