Sean penn i think like to be a provoker in some sense....who am i to talk ....i think the interview with el chapo ...was somewhat intriguing ....i am amazed that mister penn manged to get an interview with the billionaire drug baron .....and world law enforcement could no find him .......interesting he pulled it off i am not sure ...i am impressed of his capacity though ,,,kinda made mexico and america look really fucking stupid really !!!!
I have said many many tmes .it's not the like of El chapo ,that's the problem .....its the user' long as there are charlie chasers ...and junkies .....there will always be El chapo's .
people wanna get fucked up ...wall street is awash with cokeheads else would a high stress financial market survive its a known fact that wall street would crash without coke .......oh and probably the single most user of all in america supprots the whole mexican economy charlie sheen !...he probably keeps a few drug barons in the lap of luxury .....and hollywoood the place is awash with junkie actors ......america made El chapo rich he is just another supplier of the demanders thats all and it will never end ...
Pablo Escabor ...warned america of the pending doom of the war on drugs if they killed him .....but america the macho govt agents did not want to hear the plight of the most infamous drug baron they were too insecure and probably using too ,,,to take him seriously ,.....pablo warned them they would have a drug war of epidemic proportions on their doorstep .....but aeric a is way too arrogant to listen it thinks its always right .....but it really is incompetent on many levels ......
You reap what you sow in this life ....thousands and thousands of lives has been killed due to the war on cocaine ...and a s deman grows for the drug so will the casualties ....but peole who use do not care they want the white lady ....for their self gratification and power...i sort of agree with el chapo he is merely just preying on the weak ....and there will be no end to the weak its a conveyor belt of self hatred in america its a double edged sword on this one ...but mister penn obviously knows how to get things done ...unlike the govt
What we learned from Sean Penn’s Rolling Stone interview with El Chapo
Actor Sean Penn secretly interviewed Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán for a Rolling Stone article as the world's most notorious drug kingpin was on the run from Mexican authorities three months after escaping a maximum security prison. Penn’s 10,000-word piece was published online Saturday, a day after El Chapo was recaptured in Mexico following a six-month international manhunt.
Here are six things we learned from Penn’s visit with El Chapo.
• El Chapo is well-aware he’s the world’s No. 1 supplier of drugs.
“I supply more heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana than anybody else in the world,” he told Penn. “I have a fleet of submarines, airplanes, trucks and boats.”
• El Chapo doesn’t think he’s at all to blame for the global epidemic of drug addiction.
“Because drug trafficking does not depend on just one person. It depends on a lot of people,” he told Penn. “If there was no consumption, there would be no sales. It is true that consumption, day after day, becomes bigger and bigger. So it sells and sells.”
Penn tends to agree.
“Are we, the American public, not indeed complicit in what we demonize?” Penn writes. “We are the consumers, and as such, we are complicit in every murder, and in every corruption of an institution’s ability to protect the quality of life for citizens of Mexico and the United States that comes as a result of our insatiable appetite for illicit narcotics.”
• El Chapo doesn’t consider himself a violent person.
“Look, all I do is defend myself, nothing more,” he told Penn. “But do I start trouble? Never.”
Again, Penn tends to agree.
“Unlike many of his counterparts who engage in gratuitous kidnapping and murder, El Chapo is a businessman first,” Penn writes, “and only resorts to violence when he deems it advantageous to himself or his business interests.”
• El Chapo says he doesn’t use drugs — and hasn’t for decades.
“Many years ago, yes, I did try them,” he tells Penn. “But an addict? No ... I haven’t done any drugs in the last 20 years.”
“I don’t usually drink,” El Chapo told Penn at their initial meeting, “but I want to drink with you.”
The pair drank tequila together before Guzman agreed to Penn’s formal interview.
• Penn wasn’t paid by Rolling Stone.
“When I do journalism,” Penn writes, “I take no payment.”
• El Chapo approved the article before it was published.
Penn pitched the idea to Rolling Stone. Kate del Castillo, a Mexican actress who had been “intermittently receiving contact from Chapo even after the escape,” brokered the meeting, which was conducted in an undisclosed location in the Mexican jungle on Oct. 2. And according to the editor’s note, the article had to be submitted for El Chapo’s approval before publication. According to the magazine, the drug lord “did not ask for any changes.”
A Mexican law enforcement official told the Associated Press that Penn’s meeting helped lead them to Guzmán. But according to Agence France-Presse, Mexican authorities still want to question Penn and del Castillo about their interview.
Back in the United States, White House Chief of Staff Denis McDonough called Guzmán’s boasts about global drug monopoly “maddening” but declined to comment on possible repercussions for Penn.
“One thing I will tell you is that this braggadocious action about how much heroin he sends around the world, including the United States, is maddening,” McDonough said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
On ABC’s “This Week With George Stephanopoulos,” Florida Sen. Marco Rubio said he found Penn’s interview “grotesque” but not a violation of law.
“If one of these American actors who have benefited from the greatness of this country, who have made money from our free enterprise system, want to go fawn all over a criminal and a drug trafficker in their interviews, they have a constitutional right to do it,” Rubio said. “I find it grotesque.”
Online, the reaction to Penn’s piece united often-partisan users in their mockery of the 55-year-old actor — and disdain for Rolling Stone's decision to publish it.