Saturday, July 11, 2015

How a great war general plan even works today

Julius Caesar  was  one of the greatest war  generals ever .....why?  you may ask ,well because he  had  a great plan to win ...sadly one  ...even today is used  more than  even Julius would have  used it .

Julius  Caesar said  "divide and conquer a nation " because  power in one  is harder to defeat in small groups ....this is  what   is  exactly is going on today ,yes ....sadly   America  is being divided fear,by a  govt that does not care  about it's people ....and they are  buying it like  lambs to a  slaughter ......

Dividing  Americans faith...gender...activities...religion.....ideologies...views...........groups.....visions ...etc etc ....divides ..families ...communities....friends....relatives ......and sadly ..families.....

it boils down to simple  mathematics  or  like sheep herding are good  at this principal.....a biblical reference  refers to humans  as  sheep ....i find  personally insulting......and of  course  giving them  what hey want to fatten them or  quieten them  down  ..make the whole  job easier ....i.e  legalising drugs ...a  nation already  drugged  by pharm giants .......

wrong  am i ....then i guess  i am thinking too much ....


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......