Wednesday, March 26, 2014

What it's like to be in the middle of a 61-car pileup - Yahoo News

What it's like to be in the middle of a 61-car pileup - Yahoo News:

'via Blog this'   Really  here is a  thing  you would be  safer off  staying at  home when its  this  bad ......right  i mean  how  fucking desperate are you to get somewhere in this dangerous  conditions.......when its  snowing  really bad  stay at home  especially if you  drive  like  these  fucking retards   ....its  dangerous   on all levels  .....are people  from minnesota  that  fucking dumb ......i would not risk  my life or  anyone's  life  when its  this  bad....nothing  not even your  shitty  job is  worth  dying for   driving to work  to  unless your  boss is a  total  fucking asswipe  and  does  not care  then you   get rid of him  .......

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