Friday, November 1, 2013

Cross-border drug tunnel equipped with rail system - Yahoo News

Cross-border drug tunnel equipped with rail system - Yahoo News:

'via Blog this'....There is  no surprise here ,pablo escabor warned  the CIA and the FBI ,that is they killed  him  the Mexicans  would take over the world of drug always  ego and  macho  bullshit ,got in the  way  of  reasonable  thinking and logic ,and they killed  pablo escabor .....pablo escabor was renowned,and known to  have and  control 98% of the worlds drugs ,much to the dismay of  the  mexican crime world.
Pablo Escabor  ,however  built schools and hospitals ,and at one point ,built his own  jail after he was convicted,and also  offered  to pay  the national debt of his country  to avoid one point in his  existence pablo escabor  was   reputed  to making in the  excess of  $1million dollars a  day in his  drug  empire ......on the flipside of  this man,s existence  the mexicans  have  killed  approx   15,000 people a  year in their   country  making  an undesirable   tourist   stop  because of the conflict  involving the war  between  govt and the drug cartels .I am not in anyway glamourizing or liking the  whole existence of pablo escabor.but people  who knew him expressed  that yes  he  was a drug lord  ,but a fair man in his way ...unlike the  mexican  cartel  who have less  of  an understanding of the principles of life ....shortly before his his death  pablo escabor  pleaded  for the govt not to kill him  not because he was  afraid  to die ,but  after his  death america  would be  faced  with a  drug   war  that  they would  never win because the enemy was  right on  their  border ...
Unfortunately  senor  Escabor  was  right on in his  deathly assumption ...more  people  have been killed in the  mexican drug war than the combined  death of the two wars   america is  engulfed in ....
Now america due to  its  ignorance and macho  self indulgent arrogance it now has to pay the price for a war , that will be  far  more costly, than any they have  ever  got involved  in .Cocaine, unlike  politics and powerful men  unable to come to decisions   based on political  differences and power is a war  that is  feulled  by  people  who want a drug  that has an economic bounty  to the tune  of  $360 billion annually.....unlike  war the  drug is  enjoyed  by the masses ....and as  we  all know  marijunna also is  and has  the same  financial  bounty .....thus being a combined bounty over $700 billion .my point is  everyone and  anyone  knows  someone  that does  weed at the least and  someone  that has  and  does cocaine .....
No one really cares  about the  derivation of such a product  when they are involved in the consumption of  such  product....or how many people  have died ,by the time  the product  reaches  your  hand or  sits on a mirror.Because america and  most of the financial world is  underpinned and   kept alive  by   aforementioned  drug...known fact  never  mentioned...but if you look at the fact there are 265million inhabitants in the  USA ..and the  consumption is $700 billion ...its  a pretty  healthy business ....and like all and demand and as  long as  there is a demand ....there will always be a  buisnessman/person ..willing to  fill that void especially with that  much money at stake....i personally dislike  drugs  ,for the fact that you are  not in control  when under the influence of them.....
The war on drugs  moved  closer  to  america  due to the fact the eradication of  pablo moved to  americas doorstep...a far cry  from the fields of   cali and medellin  cannot blame  impoverished  mexico has been  poor  forever ,not anymore .it has  found  a business  that will not be  going away  anytime  soon  cocaine and  marijuana have and  always  be a drug  or  fun /choice/pleasure...especially in america  where  ..the masses of  people are  addicted  to feeling good ,because the govt does not  care  about its  people .so they  find  solace in drugs...the pleasure of the drugs is  so far    imbedded in the america  culture ,that it could never be eradicated  in anyway....and now the  main supplier is  on americas  back yard ...the ignornace and  stupidity of  america  govt brought a war  that wil never  be  won   from  fields so far away  right to its  back yard ...and its  now  paying a price  that will be  insurmountable and never  ending due to the  desire for  such feeling ...unlike  most wars this  one will never  end long as mexico is americas  neighbour .....

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