Friday, July 12, 2013


Leah Remini Leaves Church of Scientology Over Growing Discontent | omg! - Yahoo! omg!:

'via Blog this'..I have to say,i have ventured into a church of Scientology ...and was very impressed of how good they are run ,i was in Tampa ,and visited their  place in downtown,ybor city where they have taken over a city block ,practically,I myself find Scientology much like other followings/beliefs/or whatever er you may categorize it as ,its  a business,much like religion,it all boils  down to  one  thing money......
I really have no  idea  what their  goal is  ,but what i do like about Scientology is their  idea of  how  they fathom their  following through the power of the mind,that,s seem a  fair  deal to me ,i do  like how  they do things  good and proper  as i  noticed how they restored  an ybor city cigar  factory  immaculately .....
unlike  a lot of  other  beliefs  it seems  to run  nice and  smooth ,i am not saying  this is for me  no  ,i cannot be  part of  anything at all ,i have  my own beliefs and do not follow  anyone  or anything ...
But compared  to most organised  beliefs  Scientology seems to run a  nice  clean ship ,all i know  is when i visited their  coffee shop  i liked their  demeanour  their  brightness and their way of the mind ...but then i  like  things  that  have  a higher  mental  state  ..maybe that's  why i  liked their way of  thinking ....but they seem to get by  with a powerful  world membership ,and celebrities  like tom and  john not too shabby i say ...all in all maybe if  people in religion would fess up and  admit  that's  its a  fucking business and shut up and  gives  us your  money rather  than  prophesies that fact  that you have  to pay for  your  sins  in order  to get  people  money  i think  the  direct  approach is  better 

Closing arguments in the George Zimmerman murder trial: Live video and chat - Yahoo! News

Closing arguments in the George Zimmerman murder trial: Live video and chat - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'   Mister  zimmerman  has  an  all female  jury  deciding his  fate ,well its a n  all female jury....he did  kill someones son ,so as we  can deduct,this  will not be a fair trial...innocent or  not ,what were they thinking picking an  all  female jury  in a   murder trial of  a man killing someones son ....he we go  welcome to florida  ...the fuck up state ...!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Risk council designates AIG, GE Capital for tougher oversight - Yahoo! Finance

Risk council designates AIG, GE Capital for tougher oversight - Yahoo! Finance:

'via Blog this'.....we all know in the world of  finance  its  all   money  helping money  and you know  the govt  is  wrapped up in this  company ....we all know that  AIG   is a total  dirtbag corp run  by  dirtbag  for  dirbags ...birds of a feather  fly  together ........

Levi's Body-Shaping Jeans Are Latest Denim Innovation | Fashion - Yahoo! Shine

Levi's Body-Shaping Jeans Are Latest Denim Innovation | Fashion - Yahoo! Shine:

'via Blog this'....Well well eh well oh well we  go  more  jeans  to get in for the  women  to slam their  asses  into .....we   all can  see  that  you are  putting 20lb  into a  5 lb  bag  .....if u cant see it then you  are  not paying attention...i think  they  look  bad myself  ...and i hate to think of  the  hygiene  side of  it .................

Giant Iceberg Breaks Off Antarctic Glacier - Yahoo! News

Giant Iceberg Breaks Off Antarctic Glacier - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'......Well if you have  not figured  it out by now,the planet is  in the shitter !!!!!!  is a sign of  bigger  things  to  come  .......although i think it will take a few  more  years  for  us  to kill mother  earth.......either  that  she will kill  us  !!!!!!!!!!!

StevenTyler.jpg | Celebrity Wedding Crashers - Yahoo! omg!

StevenTyler.jpg | Celebrity Wedding Crashers - Yahoo! omg!:

'via Blog this'...I swear  he looks  more  like a chick  everyday ...i was  never  an  aerosmith fan at all ....

Saturday, July 6, 2013

Couple dies on route to popular rock formation - Yahoo! News

Couple dies on route to popular rock formation - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'....i have to say in all fairness ,when you go to extreme  places   ,like the aforementioned...we  all know (well at least anyone with half a gram of sense)...that places  with extreme temparatures...and in all fairness this is extreme got to know ,there is an element you could end  up  canned/dead/.....i truly believe, pity and sympathy is,and should be saved  for the sick and dying ...
i do from time to time get a notion to do  something like  dangerous  ,then i realize ,the pay off's are not that goods so i try and  avoid  danger....just getting by every day  in life know  things  like  avoiding  mentally retarded  drivers,going to and  from  any partaking in  extreme and  death like sports a high risk...hiking is no different ,especially when you go to really hostile a desert....i have no idea  why people like to dice with death ...but i guess that's  what makes us all different ....only we get to live longer ,thats  all ......


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......