Thursday, May 30, 2013

AP Exclusive: Soldier to admit Afghan massacre - Yahoo! News

AP Exclusive: Soldier to admit Afghan massacre - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this'......really are people  falling for this.....  bollocks  the guy  is  simply  a  coward , to afraid  to take the  blame  ,,....oh yes  lets  use  the  i am not in the  fricking head  deal, so i  do not  get the death  penalty.....fucking coward   he  killed  16 people .....oh it  wasn't  american  ...its okay  it  was  those  arab   chappies does  not count he was  mentally  unstable.....get in  fucking line  buddy  there are a lot  of  psychos  out there  but they  do not  kill 16 innocent people....he  should be  fried like  the coward he is  there is  no excuse ....sympathy  will  not be  coming from  me its  not like  there were  no kids their  either....of  copurse  some  pussy  will try  to stop the  inhumane   death penalty  bollocks.............    

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