Thursday, April 11, 2013 » Blog Archive » Father shot family dog to recover son’s finger from stomach » Blog Archive » Father shot family dog to recover son’s finger from stomach:

'via Blog this'...Here we  go  another  complete  idiot ,useless parent,you know  some people  do not  deserve  kids ....this idiot  nopt only  let his  kid  got his  finger  bit off ,but he  keeps a  wold ...what a  useless  excuse  for a  human being ...i will say it now and  say it again  anyone can make a child  ,but   it takes  a  unique  man  to be a  father  and  this  dirtbag is  no  dad ...if he  was   this  would not happen.....and  by the way its a  wolf and woves  are  not  domesticated ...this  idiot desreves  to lose  his  kid for  neglect

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