US military expands its drug war in Latin America - Yahoo! News:
'via Blog this'.....are you shitting me ...stop drugs getting into america ,flying and pigs suchlike i posted on face book .....most of wall street .......... and the financial sector,.... of the parasites who continually fuck people out of their saving fund and investments so on and so forth .........these guys are high on charlie/chooch/BND/white do they function without drugs,..... no guy in their right state of mind , can function on the stock room floor trading without coke .....
America is feulled by weed and coke ....if your head has been up your ass...... then you would be a fool not to think that weed and coke are just a mom and pop business, between coke and weed in america they smoke and snort half a billion annually way, you say !!!!!....well if you kinda of look at the rap industry .... every rapper has weed in some way form or other ...its a billion dollar industry rappers are always bragging in their shite videos about cristal..... whores .....and weed .......known fact the stock excnage the guys with the really bad loud stripey tommy hillfiger looking jackets..... doing the hand signals do you think these guys pull through .......get on board with the lolly bus ,......... and move to an old fuckers residence ...wall street is champagne and coke my friends ....between wall street and the rappers those bastards probably snort most of it it ...and clubbing .....
I have been to miami more times than i can shake the old proverbial fecal laden stick at,..... and have witnessed in many establishments to whitey can be , likes to pretend , its all fit tanned, and healthy .....but folks its an ecstacy and coke,crime infested club town ...(leave your car near the beach for a while and you will soon find out ...)...........of course of many ....its the way it is...if you even try to imagine in your mind that all clubs bars , and suchlike places are clean and honest ....then you may want to take a minute or two out of your narrow minded existence walk to your refrigerator door ...... and slam it on your fat head three or four times to wake up your inbred ass ...and knock some sense into you and the cold may wake you up ......
The amount of coke seized is a drop in a bucket as to what gets through .....if you think for a minute that those seizures matter ...there are bigger sharks in the tank than you think......coke runs like a river through america and has many many tributaries to stop in .....if you took coke out of even the financial sector for one week .....
america,would lose its ass in the stock market ....
In a very prominent magazine which i like to read ...there was a story of cocaine from the jungles to the glass coffee table ...of america ....1 kg of coke by the times its being parted with a credit card , and snorted up the nasal cavity ....two people have died ......but who cares its the coke business .......right .......... (incidently i think a substance that shrinks the dick and makes your palms sweat and turn you into a narcsisstic fuckwad and you pay for it seems like you need a new high )........i can think of batter ways to waste money............
It takes 55 gallons of kerosine to produce 1 kg of coke ......some how someway who really cares ....its a business and a very healthy one and that's just america ......coaine in the UK is at an all time high consumption so if you think that they will stop the white lady .......they will need more than a guns and ships !!!!!!
ABOUT TIME ........
Federal workers have had it way too easy ......way too long a.......nd now a new boss is coming ........oin to kick some federal ...
mark zucherburg just lost 7.2 billion dollars but he has another 82 billion so its not that bad when you have that much cash i guess .......
I mean for fuck's sake who does not like tan lines .......women love them on women love them on women .......they are aweso...
If you are not busy.......need something to read while taking a shit/dump/crap/turd/turkish delight(shite)winnie....winnie the pooh/mister...