Monday, January 7, 2013

Large, mysterious squid send California anglers into fishing frenzy

Large, mysterious squid send California anglers into fishing frenzy:

'via Blog this'............Well this  is  a  great  deal, maybe  the shark fin soup will drop off, and the blue fish tuna, and all the  calamari will start a new  trend ,for people  who need  to follow fashion....maybe calmari will be the new tuna  and those b lue fin tuna  ,will be  cut some  slack  from these  retarded , greedy  filthy ,.....low life ...who do not care  about the size of the animal.... only the money they  make....this is because  they  are desperate......maybe  calamari  will be the latest craze of seafood  that  people  can  eat  so their  mouth  smells  like they have been  eating  fermented  vagina ......or  something close ....

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TO THE HEAD .......

Listen .......if i am not right in saying .......if you do not like the job   ....quit !!!!!!.....simple simple  ...... dolly dimple ......n...