Friday, January 18, 2013

Lance Armstrong, arrogant and unaware, did little to repair his image in mea culpa with Oprah - Yahoo! Sports

Lance Armstrong, arrogant and unaware, did little to repair his image in mea culpa with Oprah - Yahoo! Sports:

'via Blog this'....i never   did  like  lance  armstrong i thought he  ws a  cheater  from  day one   ...most of  all he  disgraced  america ,putting a shadow on  the  sporting world ,much like  steroids in baseball ......
That  macho  bullshit kicks in when you get  cornered ,just admit your a  prick,and you   will get respect...pure and  simple ....america loves a  loser...its  a  fact....for instance  here  is the losers  america loves ...kanye west,.....linsey lohan, kardashian....chris brown,..michael vicks.....just to name a few  fuck lance  armstrong will move on and  probably  put  bikes  together at wal-mart events .....or celebrity bike races  handing out  lemonade...

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