Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Colorado suspect James Holmes took creepy self-portraits hours before the theater shootings | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Colorado suspect James Holmes took creepy self-portraits hours before the theater shootings | The Lookout - Yahoo! News:

'via Blog this' question in  all of this  ,is who is  his  fucking hairdresser  ,is that a  do-it yourself job....did his mommy do it ,......maybe the dye penetrated  his  brain ,i mean maybe he is  pissed off , and killed  people  because whoever done his  hair ..... should have been  fucking shot  its a  mess  and  what the hell  colour is that ....he looks like the proverbial deer  caught in the lamps...or maybe he is  just  looking like that because he  cannot believe  someone  that bad  could fuck up his  hair  that bad  ...!!!!!!!who knows  i think the dye done his  head in .......

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