Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Amy Winehouse Spent Her Last Night Watching Videos Of Herself | Stop The Presses! (NEW) - Yahoo! Music

Amy Winehouse Spent Her Last Night Watching Videos Of Herself | Stop The Presses! (NEW) - Yahoo! Music:

'via Blog this'........It's show buisness,i mean  she  was  27 ...joined the 27 club like  joplin hendrix a  lot of other  ...but   amy winehouse  was  not  legend,joplin and hendrix and a  few  other  fell by the way side ......but this  women  was  a self absorbed  child with problems  ...she  was   not  legend   maybe  some  people  think so....i thought her  music  was  marginal  ....they sent me to re-hab i said no no no !!!! ..... well there  ye go  she is dead her  record  was  about her  end  i guess ....she was  no  nancy sinatra ...
Her boyfriend was a  wanker ...but these  spoiled  dadd'ys  girl alway fall for the pretty  boy wannabe tattooed maroon 5 adam levine.... tough guy wannabe  musician ...who like  curt  cobain  try and  be  a  bad  ass...but really  little white  boys  with an  inferiority complex ,and for some  reason , these  drunk white  chix  who  love their  daddies seek them out thinking they will retaliate by  hanging round with a  bad  ass  musician..... birds of a  feather fly together ....the day of the bad  ass  musician has  died  due to the fact  that  all these groups  now   can  do  is  drink redbull and  frisk each other  ,no one  can smash up a hotel  like the who .....(can you imagine maroon 5  shoving dynamite down the shitter  at the  doubletree ...not fucking likely).....  or  do anything  because , attornies are looking for  lawsuits , so  all bands  can do  now  is  stay inside their  hotel and  talk bad  ass,if you are  famous, and  you smack someone , you get sued  ,and its  attornies who have  made  rock stars  pussies ,they are  like  vultures  looking for  the million   dollar suit.....

Amy winehouse was in trouble  with pushing fans  and  shit wonder  they  get  bored  the  music  industry is  all pussied  out....... there  are no  bad  asses  left they died  in the  seventies  ....this  was  long before  attornie's came around .....just saying that  all .....


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......