I do realize ,that in life we have to be informed of tragedies ,like shootings and murders ,.....etc..etc ....but the media beat tragedies to death ,have you noticed they show a video over and over and over again.....enough already !!!! i mean how many times can you watch a one minute video being shown over and over again ....the worst culprits for this , is FOX news ...they bleed the shit out of everything that's shocking ....no wonder people are depressed watching some one minute video......
I guess if you are not that interested in the nicer things in life then like fox all you can do is show depressing shite like some people running out of a school building a thousand times while your narrating a scenario .....
news on the whole is glamourized ,and normal thing do not televise say like a man in michigan growing a 120lb pumpkin ..he may get a 12 second slot but you know it will be the last,and i mean last filler of the evening to try and brighten up a depressed public ......
I try to avoid the news like the plague ,as i find it has nothing to offer me valid,only a staple diet of negative rhetoric ,because happy is not sensational ...never has been in media ...they leave that shit for dave letterman and jay leno ....and we know how skewed the media is ,if you hang to the left,or the right ...!!!!!!!
ABOUT TIME ........
Federal workers have had it way too easy ......way too long a.......nd now a new boss is coming ........oin to kick some federal ...
mark zucherburg just lost 7.2 billion dollars but he has another 82 billion so its not that bad when you have that much cash i guess .......
I mean for fuck's sake who does not like tan lines .......women love them on women .....men love them on women .......they are aweso...
If you are not busy.......need something to read while taking a shit/dump/crap/turd/turkish delight(shite)winnie....winnie the pooh/mister...