Monday, December 31, 2012

goodbye 2013........

Well its that time of year  again  to ring out the old  and  bring  out the new ......

Hmm  ,well judging  by last year  ...its  gotta  to  be  better ...however  we  did lose  diva and  coke addicted   superstar  whitney houston ....and  also coke addicted  superstar ....robin  gibb....i personally  felt bad  for   gibb bros...after  all ....i love disco and the  bee gees  did the best  dance  music  ever ....who did not get laid  to  bee gees....think  about   whitneys   music  too  good  banging  music....

The saddest part of  2013   was  not the  killings at  sandy hook no sirreeee!!!!  bob...nor  the death of  whitney , .....the most horrisfic  thing to happen in  2013    wait for it .....kanye , no mummy  west  impregnating  that  ugly, nasty bitch , kim  kardashian  ,i mean  no one  wants  that  vag.... bad ...unless you are,  a  mentally  retarded  stalker ,  who  cannot  get  laid  with a  doctor's prescription, in a  chinese  brothel

let's be  honest, the ahmeniam community  must be  cringing  in the  cultural  attire,   thinking  all they have  to offer .... to the world of  culture  is  a  half breed,loser  bitch  who  got  banged  up by a spineless   cheap ass  racist  slug, who  cannot  sing  for  supper, yet ,unfunnily  amassed  a fortune in money,through his  music to and  endless  
wave of emptyminded  wannbee white boys  who wannbee  rappers ...and  pre pubescent  mall rats  who  canot tell the diffrence  between  kanye  west and the  wild  west

 This is how  these fuckers make money.....  becasue  pre-pubescence is  confusing and these  little  mall rats  shites  have money ,and see the bling and cars  and get impressed....but that prick is  an  empty  shell he  has  nothing to offer  music....he is  no DR  dre or eminem ...and eminem would not  make a  racist attack on a  ethni person on TV   but his  excuse was he  was  drunk  ...

All  weakasses  blame it on the drink  ....why  does  he  not man  up and  say he is a jealsous insecure  prick  who  has  no   talent  unlike  snoop ,fifty  or any other   rapper ...but then  after  all  he   never struggled what does he know about life  .........

  I really  did not give  a fuck about the  song  .......i mean.........  cher is   totally fucking  epic....... and  all .......but ..........