Friday, November 16, 2012

HOSTESS.......... end of an american icon........

Hostess the company that makes  food,basically ,for stoners  and kids know  the shit you give to your kids to get them all sugared  up ...and those  twinkies and ding know the  food  of  stoners ...i mean who in their  fucking right mind  would eat that  shite ...i mean you can basically give your  kids  anything ,they burn it off...but adults  ...this is  the iconic  stoner  food far has  not a gram of nutritional value  ...but if you eat them, enough of them  your  teeth will be gone , and you will look  like  a fucking moonshiner .....

18'000 jobs  will be  gone  ,when hostess  closes down its operation.....and then  1.25 millions stoners  will be  frantically searching for an alternative to their  craving and  midnight fridge raiding expeditions... not only will hostess  be  doing a dis service  to  18'000 people  (its their fault they striked  ....seems a  bit fucking stupid  really....)but then if you work  for  hostess  how  fucking  bright can you be if  you  make  fucking twinkies  all day of your  existence .....really..and you may be a  stoner  also  ...i mean  what  qualifications  do you need  to  put  white  fluff into a  sugar puff  roll ....not M.I.T  or  harvard  for  sure ......oh and yale.....

I am sure the chinese  will close in on the stoner  market for those  demanding potheads  ...not that there is  enough garbage on the shelves of  our  friendly supermarkets already  maybe their  demise  may no  be that  bad  after  all.

I mean  7-11  has  got enough non healthy overpriced  shite on their  shelves .... and those  fuckers are world wide  maybe  hostess ....will make a  tiny  dent in  the tooth decay world , and soon it  will be  just another  one of  yester year  treats , that you  can   sit and  reminisce about when your  high as  a kite ....looking for  shit to eat .....  


  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......