Monday, August 13, 2012

Stars earn stripes ...what a load of bollocks

I really now have to say,reality shows,.... they are  running out of ideas  .....this is the shittiest in the pile  yet......stars  earning stripes....real action live ammo....yep!!!!!.....  no one  has  been  shot in  the ass, no one  dead  ....i am  sure those  Hollywood  actors........yep actors ...can you believe anything ,....they say  they are actors for gods  sake ....even when they are dong re-hab and shit  they are their own  enemies .......
 no one believes them......
The general looks like a used  car  salesmen  ......and a  pussy ....i predict this  will fail ...its a pretty  machoesque, self deficating .... camouflage ,butt licking,....... reality show  ......i feel if the chances that  you may get killed  ...especially some of those  actors  the  ante  would up a little ...............

There is no way, they would do a so called  reality show, where a  famous ,or  nearly,  would be killed , too many  attorneys running shit ,and rule ,and  laws .....people  cant  even touch each other  but they get  sued  ...

so ,the chance of a reality show , where a limb, or  eye , may get lost is  improbable ....would be kind  fun to  see  a  celebrity get  shot in the ass though..............

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  I cannot  wait for the  trump train to come rolling into town .........all these  fucking  demovrat bastards are  gpoing to feel his  wrat...