Wednesday, July 11, 2012

I got to thinking,have you ever heard those  cheesy car dealers  (these voices  want to make  me slap these fuckers ,.....not buy a  car).....talking on the radio,...and they have those deep annoying voices ,you know the same  ones that you find in strip clubs ,( those DJ's who announce the entertainers?strippers....) know ....the guy say" give it up for Mercedes/Porsche/bubblegum/brandy/chewing gum" or whatever their names are know how they sound  they have to be macho , the guy  Joe  Regan in MMA there a  college  where  guys  have to learn to  talk all macho .

But the worst ones  are the guys who talk in car  commercial and its sound  like the echo do they find  those  guys ....yet,  i  bet  most of them  are little  pussy whipped , married  guys , who  go home ,and their  wife brow  beats  them  into talking pansy ....

I don't know  about anyone  else , but i find  these  guys the most annoying bastards  on the planet  ....well apart  from that ass wipe kanye west ......

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......