Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Happy 4TH JULY .......

Well once again,  its 4th of July,  time to  dust off the grill, and fire up  the charcoal ,and celebrate can celebrate all you want, but freedom  nope, not a chance in hell ....Yes all the fireworks you see,  when you light up the sky,......... when you are all high/drunk/stoned ...or basically whatever  your  preference is, always  made  by  your Chinese.......we all know that  its  old  hat .....but ...unfortunately, so is the  cheap shitty ass  flags, the hats, and all the other  shit  that's is  not American made,....if it was  American made , could not afford it.........that's why we  have to thank our  fellow Chinese  for  helping us out .......oh and  at the cost of  USA /uncle SAM  borrowing a  billion a  day ,or two , all you  hard  work may be  you working for next to nothing ,as part and parcel, everyday  good old  USA is  sold off.....and you bitch about us  Brits  owning  USA   .....i think i would rather  have  a  bunch of  Brits owning  America  than the east .......(incidentally UK owns 16% of  good old   USA ........  so we  will have to  be happy with that ...............BUT its all good  as long as  we have our Independence from those god darn brits ..............we  can always depend on our Chinese  cousins  to help us out a   cost of course!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......