Friday, July 6, 2012

Andy goes through well done Scotland !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We  all know by now  ,that  Andy Murray is heading to the finals ...but nay we stop for a moment, to remember that Andy is Scottish,.....  then British  ......yes i know  ,when  the Scots  lose, the English  disband  very rapidly,......, and  remind  us we  are Scottish...........

England is  renowned  for  robbing shit,......... from the scots ...lets start  by using one,...... oil......of course,..... ask a parliamentarian ......and  you will  get  pinstripe  bollocks .and  guffawing. and possibly a bowler hat thrown at you .......that's  because  British Parliament ,is run by those old spice wearing,  pinstripe bowler hat ,farts....... that thinks  all things are British .....well  bollocks as  they say...........

Wimbledon is an institution,......  but just a wee reminder,......  its a Scot that's  helping your ass out ,this  time ......but we  all know if Andy fails,.....  the English will hand  Andy back,...... to us ,wrapped in a Scottish flag..........  because we  all know that  mentality ,..... when your  winning your  English  when your not your Scottish ....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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