Friday, June 29, 2012

Tom Cruise and Kati Holmes call it quits.....

You see,...... Tom Cruise  Kati Holmes,another couple fall by the wayside,

Hollywoood  just eats away at people soul.....So i guess the pint sized scientologist ....with all his  scientific wisdom, along with the power pf  mister hubbard ,....could not hold kati clinched in a scientilogical grip ....

Or maybe  she was sick of  his  ass...... or maybe its show me a  pretty broad and i will show you a  guy who is  over her ....and of course vice versa know we  have to take katis  feelings into consideration...i personallly would not  becasue i thought all along she  was  a fucking idiot  for getting involved  with mister mission impossible

When the cocktail man was jumping up and down on oprah,s sofa ,i thought he was retatrded....and a lot of other  people did too,i had never heard of kati holmes ..until she was linked to cruise....

Those two never even got the 7 year itch ...i have said it always Hollywoood a-listers are nothing more than an intertwined incestious bunch, who can only hang around each other , they are  all insecure low self esteem ....birds of a feather  fly together ....

Look at brad pitt, she went with angelina, who went with billy bob,
 and jennifer, went with  vince vaughn....these people  cannot be with a normal person  .........

Once again kids are in the middle,....  but i am sure. because of the faith of scientology ,...the kids will be allright ........ask john travolta that question ,about how  scientology helped his son live.......

(its all a bout caring ,ask the homeless people in clearwater florida, about ,those oh so caring know ,the scientolgy world capital ....then you will get all the answers you need)  when they weld the public bathrooms closed ...this is the level of caring that tom cruises  followers adhere too .....

Of course, we all know that of john travolta ,was just a  normal guy his son would still be alive ...thank you  mister hubbard ......

Still, tom and  kati will remain good parents right ,...........  and  little  surri, or whatever  her name is , maybe its envelopes,or table leg ,or stamp, or cheesepie ,  will grow up just like mummy and  daddy, and get  dumped ,and have kids like them know like the rest of the crowd .......after all her  daddy is tom cruise .....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......