Friday, June 22, 2012

Octomum tell us why she done the porn movie .....

Octomum,..... nadia sullerman,explained the reason why she done the movie home alone ,a self pleasure  style movie............

She claims ,it was a  self discovery movie , understanding her own body ,claiming she  had  never  touched herself down stairs ......

In life,  there are a  lot of things that do not ring true ,and this is one of them ...this women has  popped out 16 kids , and  claimed she has never checked out her stuff.........she is either one of the stupidest broads ,on the planet ,or thinking everyone else is ....

I personally ,will go out on a limb here ,....and say i think octomum was doing it,.......... for the cash!!  

Why do most women do work in the adult industry ,not because they love the idea of the living arts, its fast easy  cash ....pure and simple...

Why do most strippers/entertainers/dancers the  job , know swivelling, on a  brasspole , and dance on the bar,and  inhale all the cigar smoke,........and having to drink,even if they do not want to,........ (but i would  think  stripping in a  seedy club,  would cause you to)...and  having to smell the sweat ,and smell from a drunk patron,after they came from work or where  ever  they have derived from !!!!!!!!!,.....

Nadia sullerman ,is the icon of stupidity ,but in the end ,there will be  a lot of curious men ,willing to pay ,to see whats going  on down there after 16 kids ,....i can only imagine....i think i will save my money for something more interesting ....!!!!!!

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......