Thursday, June 14, 2012

John Edwards accquited ..scumbag ....

This asshole got off ...just shows you  how the wheels of Justice  turn  ...well  they  could not  prosecute,   because of the lack of  evidence ......

Here  is why the guy  is  a  low life,  he cheated on his  wife , while she was  dying  , and this  bimbo  bought his  spcheil ,but after all  he is a  politician....

I mean who knows what if  blondie , stops giving ass/booyah/sex/boom his  wife  did   ...i am sure she was a  nice  women  ,and maybe did not feel like boom boom,  because she was  dying ..............but i feel he  could have waited , till she   checked out/croaked ....whatever.....

Will he wander off to  another blonde bint ,and turn out another  kid  like a lottery  ticket ....honestly , do these   so called  famous  people  not realise , in  about twenty  years, they will  figure out their  dad  is cheating dishonest   f****r  , after  all its  mostly what he is   known  for ........ is  a  dishonest   cheating asswipe.....and  a politician .....

Same  as the terminator ,although  he   f***** up k he  banged  a really ugly broad  , compared to maria  shriver  ,i thought  Arnie  was plugging  Maria  on a daily basis  , she  is  a hottie ....but then my mind is  like a  sewer ,but sewers are useful.......

It would be hysterical if  john Edwards  kid  grew  up to  be a porn star , or a stripper ,or a reality TV  jack off ................hopefully not   i  do hope the child   does  good,  but  it will be recognised  solely  of the fact ,that  his/her dad  was  not a  presidential   candidate  but a low  life  slug  who  cheated  ......!!!!!!!....he will probably do the same thing again ....they never learn.....

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......