Saturday, June 16, 2012

Clearwater florida ...scientology capital starnge place ....

Listen i do not buy, subscribe, or enter , into any sort of organisation, following, or whatever,...............

I once went to a Scientology meeting, for the hell of it ,as i am  a person that has  a lot of  time on their  hands .......

And  can generally f*** around  with things, i thought i would waste the time of  the tom cruise  sheep and go .....well its  seemed  like they  were  a  strange mob  ..........!!!!!!!

 But then  when you see  tom Cruise ,the  pint sized weirdo,A list actor , and  john Travolta , sad  really  Travolta  a  great actor ........but let his  kid  die  because of the Scientology beliefs........?

You know, i do not get into any movement/religion/cult/gathering...where you put a person, who  you  dearly  love in the path of  death ...

I found the followers/disciples/sheep/drones, or whatever they are ,following the  path of a  man , who  is named  Ron Hubbard , he has  god like  status among the  masses i get  all positivity  and to men , that does  not include  letting your  family  member die  ....that's  not positive .........

My  idea of positive, is not listening to horseshit/drama/garbage /lies /dishonesty,........../ (i have had  to endear  this is  many ways)..(which i stopped) idea of positive, rings out with cutting out  garbage , and  incessant rambling, and  rhetoric  ,that lacks in  foundation, intellect and  pure sanity......

(This includes baby mama drama ,family bollocks, and trauma that comes  from dating  someone)...with the intelligence of a  wilted and severely decomposed cabbage ) ....not going to happen.......!

They close the doors in this meeting of  Scientology, and  act all meek in  suits,  and then  mister Hubbard  ...who is  dead  unlike god who is all  around us !!!!!!!........ somewhere in the  sands of time  mister  Hubbard  ,wrote  some  books on science (some of fiction i heard)...................

Listen i get scientist, with their  little white coats  ,and scalpels ,cutting open live monkeys,and  capturing homeless  people  for  experiments, and using them  like  mice ...(maybe i watched enter the dragon too many times ......,although art  usually imitates the real life!!!!!!)......

but even these  guys have been  know  to  f***k up really badly,on occasions......listen  mister  Hubbard  died , and  left a legacy for  people   to follow,  its  a nice  way to  make  money, in  Scientology ....i get his  positive  flux ....but ....if you need to  be  positive  ask your  f******g  parents  its  their  job   not anyone  Else's !!!!.....

Children are by products of parents ...its their  job to set an  example  not some  dead   dude  who has  written  books  ...

i  am not sure , but  i left the meeting , and  made the mistake of leaving them my number....and they called  me incessantly ....they stopped calling  after i threatened  them (surprise !!!!!)......

Scientology teach positivity and  manliness,  as  we  saw  with tom cruise  shaking hands  with some  B rated , shitty  actor on TV ...  in a manly  hand shake , how  much  hand  do you need  to   fricking  shake   for  Christs  sake ........

I guess  the Scientology followers , all had  really shitty  fricking parents ,  because they  need positive  flow  form a  dead  guy  .....

me personally i think  that's  your  parents  gig ..!!!!!!!

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......