Thursday, May 31, 2012

john edwards ........... mistrial

There you go ,the wheels of justice are lubed  just fine  ...a mistrial for john Edwards we  all know  its a great life being a  politician

You see you can get in power fuck a women while your wife is dying of cancer ...then get some buddies to give you a  shit load of cash ...!!!!!

And even  have the balls  to deny your  baby........(how bad and shitty a man is he  denying that  the women he banged  it was  not his child )

This shows the heartlessness of  a so called elect president if  can you imagine what he would have done if he became president ...i shudder to think.....

Then he gets to publicly thank all the people who stood by him and the daughter he loves ( wait a minute........... didn't he try and say his daughter  was not his ..

Well at least he said he has to live with the sins and he has to live with it ........i know he choked up in front of  the camera boo hoo sob.......

great performance john bravo!!!! bravo!!!!!bravo!!!!!  no bouquets for you .....

He will get his day guys like this have babies without thought and care and it will come back to bite him in the ass..........

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  As you well know i am a  big fans of the female  breast .....and........ so are  a lot of  others women!!!!!........ also like titties ......