Saturday, May 12, 2012

Gay marriage could raise money for obama ,really!!!!

It never ceases to amaze me at what they will put out in the  news ,..this is a  f******g beauty ...well of  course he will raise money from the gay people.....this one , is  too easy's  why...if you have not figured this one , out yo do not deserve to own a  computer or TV.......
same sex couples/gay /lesbian ....are known as D.I.N.K..y's.............
Thus meaning of course ...double income kids.......however ...married people who decide to have  families are termed/known as ......O.I.N.K...y's...thus  meaning income nine kids .....the disparities here are miles away...if you can spot the difference between a DINKY and  an OINKY you are half way to understanding  why commander in chief ....mister Obama..likes the idea of  same sex marriage ,and of course he has to listen to what his  wife  says ,............although he is not an OINKY ...he is entitled to DINKY..... status because he is president and makes piles of the folding stuff .....
OINKIES are  for the most part in life broke.....the kids eat them out of  house and home ...braces for for sports and gym and social meetings so the incoherent..overprotective ,mostly angry self hating,over sterilized ,panic stricken /soccer/security mum can live her lost childhood through her daughter/son..and like wise the father.......who works most of his days  so when the wife/kids kick him in the ass, when he comes home from work........he coughs up whatever  money he has made and is  forced to eat spam so his wife can look like they are happy families , whereas they are miserable and broke and pissed off .........
DINKIES on the other hand ,work  and have two salaries.... and have immaculate houses cars and  dine out all the time ,this is because they have no kids ......thus they have a  nice  disposable income ..(fact .....usually around $15K)...minimum this is why mister Obama smells a nice cash flow after all why would he not go where the money is , why  go for OINKY broke ass  when you  can hit up a nice  mainstream of  money lying around  doing nothing ...
.And you  know  same sex couples  Will do anything to live  a normal existence in America know the country that has no ..racism/hatred/inequalities/hardship/thieving dishonesty....sure every same sex couple wants to live the American dream...!!!!! and have  a nice slice of that freshly baked American apple pie ....made  by yours truly  .....uncle Sam........( said with a  southern drawl and  marbles jammed in the cheek while chewing tobacco)...why  shouldn't same sex couples  get the chance to get f****ed over like  the rest of  America who votes  and partakes in the dream plan. ....after all whats good for the DINKIES should in all fairness!!!!! good enough for the OINKIES

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THE PRESIDENT .........GOAT ..........

  I watched the  state of  the union     address the  great  ....... one and  only....... donald  j trump   ..........  GOAT.......