Tuesday, May 29, 2012

chicago memorial day weekend 10 people killed ..surprise!!!

Well is anyone  stunned  by this ,......10 people killed in Chicago  over the weekend , ...well its Chicago  not like  a  nice  placid place  is Chicago not   recognised as a slightly  dangerous  place......

Yes i do think so ....its Oprah country  why  would that  not  drive you  to  go shoot up somewhere  .....Chicago is  not  like   the easiest place on earth to walk around  safely ........its known  for violence  ...so why are  people  surprised  ....

They (who are they )  say it  may  be   caused  by the hot weather...........really   what a  pile of  shit!!!!!! ....its hot so let  go  on a  rampage  ......i think  there is a  fundamental  reason  the  20 people  got  murdered /drugs/the economy /no money corrupt police  racism/ no jobs.................the boogie .....yes   once  again  blame it on the boogie  why the hell not ....they want to blame the heat ... no its  the boogie.....hey when all else fails we  can blame the boogie  ...it might make  everyone  more happy ...!!!!!

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